(Cross-post: I first posted to 
https://lists.yoctoproject.org/g/yocto/message/58392, then realized that 
according to the poky readme this list is more appropriate. Sorry, beginner's 

Dear list,
when building an image with a Yocto setup based on kirkstone, it seems I've 
come across an interesting corner case: The image built successfully, the 
build/tmp/deploy/licenses/${IMAGE}-${MACHINE} symlink got updated as expected, 
but that new directory contained only image_license.manifest. license.manifest 
and package.manifest were missing.
I've discovered that these latter files are generated by the image's do_rootfs 
task (ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND:prepend = "write_package_manifest; 
license_create_manifest; " in poky/meta/classes/license_image.bbclass). This 
task apparently did not need to be rerun in that particular build.
This behavior is at least a bit surprising to the user; bitbake claims to have 
run everything that needed to be run, completes successfully and then some 
files are just not there. It might be what happened here 
https://lists.yoctoproject.org/g/yocto/message/49600 too. For me, it broke a CI 
build that ran due to an environment change that didn't affect the image and 
then failed to deploy the manifest files. I could run bitbake with -C rootfs as 
a workaround, but that causes a warning and the problem could probably better 
be fixed within the oe-core classes. I'm not sure how though: Could the 
manifest generation be moved to a different point in the build, e.g. where 
image_license.manifest is generated? Or should 
build/tmp/deploy/licenses/${IMAGE}-${MACHINE} become a directory containing 
symlinks to files, instead of a symlink to a new directory, so that things that 
don't need to be updated can be retained? Maybe you have a completely different 
idea? I'll leave that up for discussion.
Thank you,

Christian Thießen
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  • [OE-core] license manife... Christian Thießen via lists . openembedded . org

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