Hi Mikko,

On 9/12/22 09:32, Mikko Rapeli wrote:
Using SRC_URI:append without recipe, machine or architecture
specific limitations makes the :append'ed text unremovable
and thus users and custom layers can not change the variable
anymore. This makes it hard to e.g. override SRC_URI completely
in a bbappend to update the full recipe to a newer version.
Thus common, reusable layers which users are meant to re-use and
customize should not use SRC_URI:append but SRC_URI += instead.

Signed-off-by: Mikko Rapeli <mikko.rap...@linaro.org>
  documentation/dev-manual/common-tasks.rst | 9 +++++----
  1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/documentation/dev-manual/common-tasks.rst 
index b08a55331d..3112f9b893 100644
--- a/documentation/dev-manual/common-tasks.rst
+++ b/documentation/dev-manual/common-tasks.rst
@@ -2577,7 +2577,7 @@ chapter of the BitBake User Manual.
S = "${WORKDIR}/postfix-${PV}"
        CFLAGS += "-DNO_ASM"
-      SRC_URI:append = " file://fixup.patch"
+      CFLAGS:append = " --enable-important-feature"
- *Functions:* Functions provide a series of actions to be performed.
     You usually use functions to override the default implementation of a
@@ -2708,19 +2708,20 @@ in the BitBake User Manual.
     to existing variables. This operator does not add any additional
     space. Also, the operator is applied after all the ``+=``, and ``=+``
     operators have been applied and after all ``=`` assignments have
-   occurred.
+   occurred. This means that if ``:append`` is used, that text can not be
+   removed.

Pedantic: it can, with :remove. One should try really hard to not use it though.

The rest is fine.

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