On 9/16/22 10:18 AM, Alberto Pianon wrote:

... trimmed ...

I also can see the issue with multiple sources in SRC_URI, although you
should be able to map those back if you assume subtrees are "owned" by
given SRC_URI entries. I suspect there may be a SPDX format limit in
documenting that piece?

I'm replying in reverse order:

- there is a SPDX format limit, but it is by design: a SPDX package
    entity is a single sw distribution unit, so it may have only one
    downloadLocation; if you have more than one downloadLocation, you must
    have more than one SPDX package, according to SPDX specs;

I think my interpretation of this is different. I've got a view of 'sourcing materials', and then verifying the are what we think they are and can be used the way we want. The "upstream sources" (and patches) are really just 'raw materials' that we use the Yocto Project to combined to create "the source".

So for the purpose of the SPDX, each upstream source _may_ have a corresponding SPDX, but for the binaries their source is the combined unit.. not multiple SPDXes. Think of it something like:

upstream source1 - SPDX
upstream source2 - SPDX
upstream patch
recipe patch1
recipe patch2

In the above, each of those items would be combined by the recipe system to construct the source used to build an individual recipe (and collection of packages). Automation _IS_ used to combine the components [unpack/fetch] and _MAY_ be used to generated a combined SPDX.

So your "upstream" location for this recipe is the local machine's source archive. The SPDX for the local recipe files can merge the SPDX information they know (and if it's at a file level) can use checksums to identify the items not captured/modified by the patches for further review (either manual or automation like fossology). In the case where an upstream has SPDX data, you should be able to inherit MOST files this way... but the output is specific to your configuration and patches.

1 - SPDX |
2 - SPDX |
patch    |---> recipe specific SPDX
patch    |
patch    |

In some cases someone may want to generate SPDX data for the 3 patches, but that may or may not be useful in this context.

- I understand that my solution is a bit hacky; but IMHO any other
    *post-mortem* solution would be far more hacky; the real solution
    would be collecting required information directly in do_fetch and

I've not looked at the current SPDX spec, but past versions has a notes section. Assuming this is still present you can use it to reference back to how this component was constructed and the upstream source URIs (and SPDX files) you used for processing.

This way nothing really changes in do_fetch or do_unpack. (You may want to find a way to capture file checksums and what the source was for a particular file.. but it may not really be necessary!)

- I also understand that we should reduce pain, otherwise nobody would
    use our solution; the simplest and cleanest way I can think about is
    collecting just package (in the SPDX sense) files' relative paths and
    checksums at every stage (fetch, unpack, patch, package), and leave
    data processing (i.e. mapping upstream source packages -> recipe's
    WORKDIR package -> debug source package -> binary packages -> binary
    image) to a separate tool, that may use (just a thought) a graph
    database to process things more efficiently.

Even it do_patch nothing really changes, other then again you may want to capture checksums to identify thingsthat need further processing.

This approach greatly simplifies things, and gives people doing code reviews the insight into what is the source used when shipping the binaries (which is really an important aspect of this), as well as which recipe and "build" (really fetch/unpack/patch) were used to construct the sources. If they want to investigate the sources further back to their provider, then the notes would have the information for that, and you could transition back to the "raw materials" providers.

Where I became puzzled is where you say "Information about debug
sources for each actual binary file is then taken from
tmp/pkgdata/<machine>/extended/*.json.zstd". This is the data we added
and use for the spdx class so you shouldn't need to reinvent that
piece. It should be the exact same data the spdx class uses.

you're right, but in the context of a POC it was easier to extract them
directly from json files than from SPDX data :) It's just a POC to show
that required information may be retrieved in some way, implementation
details do not matter

I was also puzzled about the difference between rpm and the other
package backends. The exact same files are packaged by all the package
backends so the checksums from do_package should be fine.

Here I may miss some piece of information. I looked at files in
tmp/pkgdata but I couldn't find package file checksums anywhere: that is
why I parsed rpm packages. But if such checksums were already available
somewhere in tmp/pkgdata, it wouldn't be necessary to parse rpm packages
at all... Could you point me to what I'm (maybe) missing here? Thanks!

file checksumming is expensive. There are checksums available to individual packaging engines, as well as aggregate checksums for "hash equivalency".. but I'm not aware of any per-file checksum that is stored.

You definitely shouldn't be parsing packages of any type (rpm or otherwise), as packages are truly optional. It's the binaries that matter here.


In any case, thank you much so for all your insights, they were



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