From: Virendra Thakur <>

Add Patch to fix CVE-2022-2867, CVE-2022-2868

Signed-off-by: Virendra Thakur <>
 ...022-2867-CVE-2022-2868-CVE-2022-2869.patch | 159 ++++++++++++++++++
 meta/recipes-multimedia/libtiff/ |   1 +
 2 files changed, 160 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 

diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..131ff94119
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+From 07d79fcac2ead271b60e32aeb80f7b4f3be9ac8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Su Laus <>
+Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2022 21:31:29 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] tiffcrop.c: Fix issue #352 heap-buffer-overflow by correcting
+ uint32_t underflow.
+CVE: CVE-2022-2867 CVE-2022-2868 CVE-2022-2869
+Upstream-Status: Backport 
+Signed-off-by: Virendra Thakur <>
+Index: tiff-4.1.0/tools/tiffcrop.c
+--- tiff-4.1.0.orig/tools/tiffcrop.c
++++ tiff-4.1.0/tools/tiffcrop.c
+@@ -5153,29 +5153,45 @@ computeInputPixelOffsets(struct crop_mas
+       y1 = _TIFFClampDoubleToUInt32(crop->corners[i].Y1);
+       y2 = _TIFFClampDoubleToUInt32(crop->corners[i].Y2);
+       }
+-      if (x1 < 1)
+-        crop->regionlist[i].x1 = 0;
+-      else
+-        crop->regionlist[i].x1 = (uint32) (x1 - 1);
++      /* a) Region needs to be within image sizes 0.. width-1; 0..length-1
++       * b) Corners are expected to be submitted as top-left to bottom-right.
++       *    Therefore, check that and reorder input.
++       * (be aware x,y are already casted to (uint32_t) and avoid (0 - 1) )
++       */
++      uint32_t aux;
++      if (x1 > x2) {
++        aux = x1;
++        x1 = x2;
++        x2 = aux;
++      }
++      if (y1 > y2) {
++        aux = y1;
++        y1 = y2;
++        y2 = aux;
++      }
++      if (x1 > image->width - 1)
++        crop->regionlist[i].x1 = image->width - 1;
++      else if (x1 > 0)
++        crop->regionlist[i].x1 = (uint32_t)(x1 - 1);
+       if (x2 > image->width - 1)
+         crop->regionlist[i].x2 = image->width - 1;
+-      else
+-        crop->regionlist[i].x2 = (uint32) (x2 - 1);
+-      zwidth  = crop->regionlist[i].x2 - crop->regionlist[i].x1 + 1;
+-      if (y1 < 1)
+-        crop->regionlist[i].y1 = 0;
+-      else
+-        crop->regionlist[i].y1 = (uint32) (y1 - 1);
++      else if (x2 > 0)
++        crop->regionlist[i].x2 = (uint32_t)(x2 - 1);
++      zwidth = crop->regionlist[i].x2 - crop->regionlist[i].x1 + 1;
++      if (y1 > image->length - 1)
++        crop->regionlist[i].y1 = image->length - 1;
++      else if (y1 > 0)
++        crop->regionlist[i].y1 = (uint32_t)(y1 - 1);
+       if (y2 > image->length - 1)
+         crop->regionlist[i].y2 = image->length - 1;
+-      else
+-        crop->regionlist[i].y2 = (uint32) (y2 - 1);
+-      zlength = crop->regionlist[i].y2 - crop->regionlist[i].y1 + 1;
++      else if (y2 > 0)
++        crop->regionlist[i].y2 = (uint32_t)(y2 - 1);
++      zlength = crop->regionlist[i].y2 - crop->regionlist[i].y1 + 1;
+       if (zwidth > max_width)
+         max_width = zwidth;
+       if (zlength > max_length)
+@@ -5205,7 +5221,7 @@ computeInputPixelOffsets(struct crop_mas
+       }
+       }
+     return (0);
+-    }
++    }  /* crop_mode == CROP_REGIONS */
+   /* Convert crop margins into offsets into image
+    * Margins are expressed as pixel rows and columns, not bytes
+@@ -5241,7 +5257,7 @@ computeInputPixelOffsets(struct crop_mas
+       bmargin = (uint32) 0;
+       return (-1);
+       }
+-    }
++    }  /* crop_mode == CROP_MARGINS */
+   else
+     { /* no margins requested */
+     tmargin = (uint32) 0;
+@@ -5332,24 +5348,23 @@ computeInputPixelOffsets(struct crop_mas
+   off->endx   = endx;
+   off->endy   = endy;
+-  crop_width  = endx - startx + 1;
+-  crop_length = endy - starty + 1;
+-  if (crop_width <= 0)
++  if (endx + 1 <= startx)
+     {
+     TIFFError("computeInputPixelOffsets",
+                "Invalid left/right margins and /or image crop width 
+     return (-1);
+     }
++  crop_width  = endx - startx + 1;
+   if (crop_width > image->width)
+     crop_width = image->width;
+-  if (crop_length <= 0)
++  if (endy + 1 <= starty)
+     {
+     TIFFError("computeInputPixelOffsets",
+               "Invalid top/bottom margins and /or image crop length 
+     return (-1);
+     }
++  crop_length = endy - starty + 1;
+   if (crop_length > image->length)
+     crop_length = image->length;
+@@ -5449,10 +5464,17 @@ getCropOffsets(struct image_data *image,
+   else
+     crop->selections = crop->zones;
+-  for (i = 0; i < crop->zones; i++)
++  /* Initialize regions iterator i */
++  i = 0;
++  for (int j = 0; j < crop->zones; j++)
+     {
+-    seg = crop->zonelist[i].position;
+-    total = crop->zonelist[i].total;
++    seg = crop->zonelist[j].position;
++    total = crop->zonelist[j].total;
++    /* check for not allowed zone cases like 0:0; 4:3; etc. and skip that 
input */
++    if (seg == 0 || total == 0 || seg > total) {
++        continue;
++    }
+     switch (crop->edge_ref)
+       {
+@@ -5581,8 +5603,11 @@ getCropOffsets(struct image_data *image,
+                     i + 1, (uint32)zwidth, (uint32)zlength,
+                   crop->regionlist[i].x1, crop->regionlist[i].x2,
+                     crop->regionlist[i].y1, crop->regionlist[i].y2);
++  /* increment regions iterator */
++  i++;
+     }
++    /* set number of generated regions out of given zones */
++    crop->selections = i;
+   return (0);
+   } /* end getCropOffsets */
diff --git a/meta/recipes-multimedia/libtiff/ 
index c061d2aaac..93a35230d6 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-multimedia/libtiff/
+++ b/meta/recipes-multimedia/libtiff/
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ SRC_URI = 
"${PV}.tar.gz \
            file://CVE-2022-0924.patch \
            file://CVE-2022-2056-CVE-2022-2057-CVE-2022-2058.patch \
            file://CVE-2022-34526.patch \
+           file://CVE-2022-2867-CVE-2022-2868-CVE-2022-2869.patch \
 SRC_URI[md5sum] = "2165e7aba557463acc0664e71a3ed424"
 SRC_URI[sha256sum] = 

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