On Fri, Jul 29, 2022 at 13:12 Alexander Kanavin <alex.kana...@gmail.com>

I can do that, but I'm curious about this 80 character limit. Who
> cares, in 2022, and why?

I care :)

Why? It is an expectation built into a lot of tools for one thing.

The git commit log is one notable example. Wrapping commit messages at 72
characters and keeping code width to (generally) 80 characters has
non-trivial benefits that are (hopefully) reasonably obvious to anyone who
has had a lot of windows up at one time.

We also have to have *some* sort of limit and it *should* be consistently
applied. The human ability to mentally “carriage return” drops off as lines
get longer and minds get fatigued.

Finally, looking back at my own learning curve and having mentored new
developers, line length guidelines force developers to write code that is
more readable in the long run.


> --
*"Perfection must be reached by degrees; she requires the slow hand of
time." - Voltaire*
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