If gold is enabled as the default linker, it errors trying to link
to our dummy library empty file and this turns off things which should
be present in libstdc++.

For example, _GLIBCXX_HAVE_S_ISREG isn't defined and HAVE_S_ISREG in
libstdc++-v3/config.h isn't set properly.

Instead of just creating an empty file, create an empty elf binary
instead which addresses the issue.

Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org>
 meta/recipes-devtools/gcc/gcc-runtime.inc | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/gcc/gcc-runtime.inc 
index c39a0caf8a7..7e920df2d34 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/gcc/gcc-runtime.inc
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/gcc/gcc-runtime.inc
@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ do_configure () {
        # libstdc++ isn't built yet so CXX would error not able to find it 
which breaks stdc++'s configure
        # tests. Create a dummy empty lib for the purposes of configure.
        mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/dummylib
-       touch ${WORKDIR}/dummylib/libstdc++.so
+       touch ${WORKDIR}/dummylib/dummylib.c
+       ${CC} ${WORKDIR}/dummylib/dummylib.c -shared -o 
        for d in libgcc ${RUNTIMETARGET}; do
                echo "Configuring $d"
                rm -rf ${B}/${TARGET_SYS}/$d/

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