Hello Marta,

Actually, I wanted to add the ignored and patched CVEs in buildhistory and for 
that purpose, I am exporting variables CVE_IGNORED and CVE_PATCHED with those 
values. I don't want to use cve-check.bbclass as it checks for the CVEs from 
the NVD database, and I only want to get ignored and patched CVEs from the 

Regarding meta/conf/distro/include/cve-extra-exclusions.inc if any project 
includes it then CVEs that are ignored in cve-extra-exclusions.inc will get 
shown for each recipe in the CVE_CHECK_IGNORED list even though the CVEs are 
not related to that component recipe. Hence, I have did the changes to exclude 
CVEs from cve-extra-exclusions.inc ​

Best Regards,
From: Marta Rybczynska <rybczyn...@gmail.com>
Sent: 17 May 2022 14:42
To: Akash Hadke <akash.ha...@kpit.com>
Cc: OE-core <openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org>; Ranjitsinh Rathod 
<ranjitsinh.rat...@kpit.com>; Akash Hadke <hadkeaka...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [OE-core] [poky][master][PATCH 1/3] cve_check.py: Add new method 

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On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 4:37 PM akash hadke via lists.openembedded.org
<akash.hadke=kpit....@lists.openembedded.org> wrote:
> Add new method get_ignored_cves in cve_check.py
> to get ignored CVEs from recipe by excluding distro-wide
> ignored CVEs from meta/conf/distro/include/cve-extra-exclusions.inc
> While calling this method use below code to get argument values
> paths = d.getVar('PATH').split(':')
> cves = d.getVar('CVE_CHECK_IGNORE').split()

Hello Akash,
While looking into this patch set I'm wondering what is your use case.
It seems to be to get a list
of ignored and patched CVEs. This is already available from the
cve-check output or from the create-spdx
output after some parsing. With the new JSON format for cve-check it
becomes very easy. If you could
elaborate more on the way you plan to use this data, I'm pretty sure
we can come with a simple
post-processing script to do the same.

BTW Why do assume people always include
meta/conf/distro/include/cve-extra-exclusions.inc ?
We don't do that at Oniro and we use our own judgement on outstanding CVEs.

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