On 27/01/12 00:00, Koen Kooi wrote:
Op 27 jan. 2012, om 00:09 heeft Otavio Salvador het volgende geschreven:
On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 21:15, Joshua Lock<j...@linux.intel.com> wrote:
I can't see any initscript, so I think switching to what's provided by alsa-utils would
mean losing state saving for non-systemd folk but systemd users can probably just set
VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_alsa-state = "alsa-utils-alsactl".
You still needs the state. So I think we'd need to have a specific -systemd
version of it when the configs and the units.
Quite right, we should separate the state files. I wasn't thinking
straight there.
I was thinking of splitting the existing recipe into alsa-state-conf for the
conf files and keep the init stuff in ${PN}. As a follow on patch we can have
alsa-utils-alsactl RRECOMMEND alsa-state-conf.
Sounds good to me. I'd like to see what Martin thinks, as he rose the
initial concern re: the VIRTUAL_RUNTIME. Hopefully SHR would also like
the state files separate and more centrally maintained.
Joshua Lock
Yocto Project "Johannes factotum"
Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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