From: Tim Orling <>

With help from Peter Kjellerstedt <> via IRC.

Add a check for pyproject.toml in ${S} and if so check if it has a
[build-system] build-backend. Give the user a helpful warning that
the recipe should be changed to one of the PEP-517 classes (instead of

Add SETUPTOOLS_SKIP_BUILD_BACKEND_CHECK variable to skip this check (and
avoid the warning). This is needed for e.g.
python3-setuptools-rust-native which does not build cleanly with

[YOCTO #14736]

Signed-off-by: Tim Orling <>
Changes in v2:
    fix whitespace errors

 meta/classes/setuptools3.bbclass | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+)

diff --git a/meta/classes/setuptools3.bbclass b/meta/classes/setuptools3.bbclass
index 12561340b07..12d662fb49c 100644
--- a/meta/classes/setuptools3.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/setuptools3.bbclass
@@ -18,6 +18,38 @@ setuptools3_do_configure() {
+python check_for_pyprojecttoml_build_backend() {
+    import os
+    import tomli
+    from pathlib import Path
+        bb.debug(3, "Skipping check for build-backend in pyproject.toml")
+        return 0
+    pyprojecttoml_file = Path(d.getVar('S'), 'pyproject.toml')
+    if pyprojecttoml_file.exists():
+        bb.debug(3, "pyproject.toml found: %s" % pyprojecttoml_file)
+        with open(pyprojecttoml_file, "rb") as f:
+            pyprojecttoml_dict = tomli.load(f)
+            build_system = pyprojecttoml_dict["build-system"]
+            if build_system:
+                bb.debug(3, "[build-system] found in pyproject.toml")
+                backend = build_system.get('build-backend')
+                if backend:
+                    bb.debug(3, "build-backend found: %s" % backend)
+                if backend == "flit_core.buildapi":
+                    bb.warn("The source has a pyproject.toml which declares 
'flit_core.buildapi' as a build backend, please consider 'inherit flit_core' 
instead of inheriting setuptools3.")
+                elif backend == "setuptools.build_meta":
+                    bb.warn("The source has a pyproject.toml which declares 
'setuptools.build_meta' as a build backend, please consider 'inherit 
setuptools_build_meta' instead of inheriting setuptools3.")
+                elif backend == "poetry.core.masonry.api":
+                    bb.warn("The source has a pyproject.toml which declares 
'poetry.core.masonry.api' as a build backend, please consider 'inherit 
poetry_core' from meta-python instead of inheriting setuptools3.")
+                else:
+                    bb.warn("The source has a pyproject.toml which declares 
'%s' as a build backend, but this is not currently supported in oe-core." % 
+do_configure[prefuncs] += "check_for_pyprojecttoml_build_backend"
 setuptools3_do_compile() {
         NO_FETCH_BUILD=1 \

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