I've been working to enable putting a cross-compiler on a regular
Yocto target (as opposed to SDKs), and these are the changes
needed in oe-core to enable that.

Two of them swap TARGET for HOST (the terminology is set by the GNU project,
it is confusing, but it still needs to be followed), one allows populating
the native sysroot of a target recipe with the output of two different cross
recipes building for different TARGETs.

The actual cross-compiler is available from here, please refer to the README:

The plan is to further investigate what happens inside gcc's build system so 
the way that layer works can be better aligned with oe-core.

Alexander Kanavin (3):
  base/staging: use HOST_PREFIX, not TARGET_PREFIX
  sstate: do not add TARGET_ARCH to pkgarch for cross recipes.
  insane: use HOST_ variables, not TARGET_ to determine the cross system

 meta/classes/base.bbclass    | 2 +-
 meta/classes/insane.bbclass  | 8 ++++----
 meta/classes/sstate.bbclass  | 3 +--
 meta/classes/staging.bbclass | 4 ++--
 meta/lib/oe/sstatesig.py     | 2 +-
 5 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)


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