By coincidence I bumped into this in oe-core: ./meta/recipes-devtools/apt/ = " ac_cv_glibc_ver=libc6.4"
That also triggered me to do this: frans@frans-desktop:~/workspace/openembedded-core$ grep -r _poky . ./meta/recipes-sato/pcmanfm/ = " libowl" ./meta/recipes-sato/pcmanfm/ = " file://owl-window-menu.patch" ./meta/recipes-sato/leafpad/ = " libowl" ./meta/recipes-sato/leafpad/ += " file://owl-menu.patch;apply=yes " ./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/ = "--enable-owl --disable-dnd" ./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/ = " libowl" ./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/ = " file://dates-owl-window-menu.patch;apply=yes " ./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/ = "--with-owl" ./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/ = " libowl" ./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/ = "--enable-owl" ./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/ = " file://contacts-owl-window-menu.patch;apply=yes " ./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/ = " libowl" ./meta/recipes-sato/pimlico/ ?= "--enable-owl" ./meta/recipes-sato/puzzles/ = " libowl" ./meta/recipes-sato/puzzles/ = " file://oh-puzzles-owl-menu.patch;striplevel=0 " ./meta/recipes-devtools/gcc/ = " --enable-clocale=gnu" I'd hoped oe-core to be core and not know things about distro's etc. E.g. the first case with apt, this should probably be fixed with a .bbappend in the angstrom layer, shouldn't it. And the poky things in a poky layer. (at least that is what I expected/hoped) Btw did the same thing on meta-oe: no _poky's, two for _angstrom: ./meta-oe/recipes-core/systemd/ = "angstrom" ./meta-gnome/recipes-gnome/system-tools/ = " \ In general I expected recipes to be without distro or hw suffixes (such a suffx is an indication that the recipe is probably not at the proper place) Best regards, Frans
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