In the process of diving into the issues in bug 1916
(, I've come up
with a good way of detecting machine specific changes to generic
PACKAGE_ARCH packages.

The idea is to have two identical machines, qemux86 and qemux86copy.
These can be setup by:

$ cp meta/conf/machine/qemux86.conf meta/conf/machine/qemux86copy.conf 
[Add SRCREV entry for qemux86copy to 
$ cp -r meta/recipes-core/netbase/netbase-4.47/qemux86 
[Add PACKAGE_ARCH_qemux86copy to meta/recipes-core/netbase/]
[Add RRECOMMENDS_${PN}_qemux86copy to 

You can then generate all of the sigdata files for two machine builds by
running the following commands. The nice thing about these is that you
don't have to run a complete build, it just writes out the data the
build would have generated:

rm tmp/stamps/*/*sigdata*
MACHINE=qemux86 bitbake core-image-sato -S
find tmp/stamps/i586-poky-linux/ -name \*sigdata* | sort > l1
find tmp/stamps/all-poky-linux/ -name \*sigdata* | sort >> l1
MACHINE=qemux86copy bitbake core-image-sato -S
find tmp/stamps/i586-poky-linux/ -name \*sigdata* | sort > l2
find tmp/stamps/all-poky-linux/ -name \*sigdata* | sort >> l2

and then comparing the files l1 and l2, you can see which sigdata files
differ. Running bitbake-diffsigs on the files, e.g.:


can show what changed and you can then consider whether that is a valid
change and how it might be avoided if necessary. This is how some of the
patches I've just posted were developed.

Comparing qemux86 and qemux86copy as above with core-image-sato now
yields only two differences, in the package_write* tasks of iptables and
gstreamer. This is due to the dependencies these two recipes have on
kernel-module-* packages which in turn depend on linux-yocto which is
machine specific. As yet I can't find a good way to avoid the kernel
dependencies. If we could break debian.bbclass's hold in the
kernel-module case (which never get renamed), that would be one way to
avoid this problem.

I thought people might find this intersting and it was worth documenting
in the list archives if nothing else.



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