we're having issues with git fetcher. If we have long workspace path (long
jenkins job name in our case) it can happen that git fetcher will hang when
trying to create lockfile in downloads/git2/<workspace_path>.lock due to
"File name too long" because it might exceed the limit of 255 characters.
The part that is causing this is in bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/git.py:
        gitsrcname = '%s%s' % (ud.host.replace(':', '.'),
ud.path.replace('/', '.').replace('*', '.').replace(' ','_'))
and this ud.path along with downloads directory can exceed the limit. How
can we change that? Do we really need the whole path there? Should we cut
somehow the directory name or maybe change it to a less human readable
hash? Some advice would be helpful.

Best regards,
Tomasz Dziendzielski
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