xmlparse.c has multiple integer overflows. The involved functions are:

- addBinding (CVE-2022-22822)
- build_model (CVE-2022-22823)
- defineAttribute (CVE-2022-22824)
- lookup (CVE-2022-22825)
- nextScaffoldPart (CVE-2022-22826)
- storeAtts (CVE-2022-22827)

Backport patch from:

CVE: CVE-2022-22822 CVE-2022-22823 CVE-2022-22824 CVE-2022-22825 CVE-2022-22826 
Signed-off-by: Steve Sakoman <st...@sakoman.com>
 .../expat/expat/CVE-2022-22822-27.patch       | 257 ++++++++++++++++++
 meta/recipes-core/expat/expat_2.2.9.bb        |   1 +
 2 files changed, 258 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-core/expat/expat/CVE-2022-22822-27.patch

diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/expat/expat/CVE-2022-22822-27.patch 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e569fbc7ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/expat/expat/CVE-2022-22822-27.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+From 9f93e8036e842329863bf20395b8fb8f73834d9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Sebastian Pipping <sebast...@pipping.org>
+Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2021 22:46:03 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] lib: Prevent integer overflow at multiple places
+ (CVE-2022-22822 to CVE-2022-22827)
+The involved functions are:
+- addBinding (CVE-2022-22822)
+- build_model (CVE-2022-22823)
+- defineAttribute (CVE-2022-22824)
+- lookup (CVE-2022-22825)
+- nextScaffoldPart (CVE-2022-22826)
+- storeAtts (CVE-2022-22827)
+Upstream-Status: Backport:
+CVE: CVE-2022-22822 CVE-2022-22823 CVE-2022-22824 CVE-2022-22825 
CVE-2022-22826 CVE-2022-22827
+Signed-off-by: Steve Sakoman <st...@sakoman.com>
+ expat/lib/xmlparse.c | 153 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ 1 file changed, 151 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/expat/lib/xmlparse.c b/expat/lib/xmlparse.c
+index 8f243126..575e73ee 100644
+--- a/lib/xmlparse.c
++++ b/lib/xmlparse.c
+@@ -3261,13 +3261,38 @@ storeAtts(XML_Parser parser, const ENCODING *enc, 
const char *attStr,
+   /* get the attributes from the tokenizer */
+   n = XmlGetAttributes(enc, attStr, parser->m_attsSize, parser->m_atts);
++  /* Detect and prevent integer overflow */
++  if (n > INT_MAX - nDefaultAtts) {
++    return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
++  }
+   if (n + nDefaultAtts > parser->m_attsSize) {
+     int oldAttsSize = parser->m_attsSize;
+     ATTRIBUTE *temp;
+ #ifdef XML_ATTR_INFO
+     XML_AttrInfo *temp2;
+ #endif
++    /* Detect and prevent integer overflow */
++    if ((nDefaultAtts > INT_MAX - INIT_ATTS_SIZE)
++        || (n > INT_MAX - (nDefaultAtts + INIT_ATTS_SIZE))) {
++      return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
++    }
+     parser->m_attsSize = n + nDefaultAtts + INIT_ATTS_SIZE;
++    /* Detect and prevent integer overflow.
++     * The preprocessor guard addresses the "always false" warning
++     * from -Wtype-limits on platforms where
++     * sizeof(unsigned int) < sizeof(size_t), e.g. on x86_64. */
++    if ((unsigned)parser->m_attsSize > (size_t)(-1) / sizeof(ATTRIBUTE)) {
++      parser->m_attsSize = oldAttsSize;
++      return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
++    }
+     temp = (ATTRIBUTE *)REALLOC(parser, (void *)parser->m_atts,
+                                 parser->m_attsSize * sizeof(ATTRIBUTE));
+     if (temp == NULL) {
+@@ -3276,6 +3301,17 @@ storeAtts(XML_Parser parser, const ENCODING *enc, const 
char *attStr,
+     }
+     parser->m_atts = temp;
+ #ifdef XML_ATTR_INFO
++    /* Detect and prevent integer overflow.
++     * The preprocessor guard addresses the "always false" warning
++     * from -Wtype-limits on platforms where
++     * sizeof(unsigned int) < sizeof(size_t), e.g. on x86_64. */
++#  if UINT_MAX >= SIZE_MAX
++    if ((unsigned)parser->m_attsSize > (size_t)(-1) / sizeof(XML_AttrInfo)) {
++      parser->m_attsSize = oldAttsSize;
++      return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
++    }
++#  endif
+     temp2 = (XML_AttrInfo *)REALLOC(parser, (void *)parser->m_attInfo,
+                                     parser->m_attsSize * 
+     if (temp2 == NULL) {
+@@ -3610,9 +3646,31 @@ storeAtts(XML_Parser parser, const ENCODING *enc, const 
char *attStr,
+   tagNamePtr->prefixLen = prefixLen;
+   for (i = 0; localPart[i++];)
+     ; /* i includes null terminator */
++  /* Detect and prevent integer overflow */
++  if (binding->uriLen > INT_MAX - prefixLen
++      || i > INT_MAX - (binding->uriLen + prefixLen)) {
++    return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
++  }
+   n = i + binding->uriLen + prefixLen;
+   if (n > binding->uriAlloc) {
+     TAG *p;
++    /* Detect and prevent integer overflow */
++    if (n > INT_MAX - EXPAND_SPARE) {
++      return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
++    }
++    /* Detect and prevent integer overflow.
++     * The preprocessor guard addresses the "always false" warning
++     * from -Wtype-limits on platforms where
++     * sizeof(unsigned int) < sizeof(size_t), e.g. on x86_64. */
++    if ((unsigned)(n + EXPAND_SPARE) > (size_t)(-1) / sizeof(XML_Char)) {
++      return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
++    }
+     uri = (XML_Char *)MALLOC(parser, (n + EXPAND_SPARE) * sizeof(XML_Char));
+     if (! uri)
+       return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
+@@ -3708,6 +3766,21 @@ addBinding(XML_Parser parser, PREFIX *prefix, const 
+   if (parser->m_freeBindingList) {
+     b = parser->m_freeBindingList;
+     if (len > b->uriAlloc) {
++      /* Detect and prevent integer overflow */
++      if (len > INT_MAX - EXPAND_SPARE) {
++        return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
++      }
++      /* Detect and prevent integer overflow.
++       * The preprocessor guard addresses the "always false" warning
++       * from -Wtype-limits on platforms where
++       * sizeof(unsigned int) < sizeof(size_t), e.g. on x86_64. */
++      if ((unsigned)(len + EXPAND_SPARE) > (size_t)(-1) / sizeof(XML_Char)) {
++        return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
++      }
+       XML_Char *temp = (XML_Char *)REALLOC(
+           parser, b->uri, sizeof(XML_Char) * (len + EXPAND_SPARE));
+       if (temp == NULL)
+@@ -3720,6 +3793,21 @@ addBinding(XML_Parser parser, PREFIX *prefix, const 
+     b = (BINDING *)MALLOC(parser, sizeof(BINDING));
+     if (! b)
+       return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
++    /* Detect and prevent integer overflow */
++    if (len > INT_MAX - EXPAND_SPARE) {
++      return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
++    }
++    /* Detect and prevent integer overflow.
++     * The preprocessor guard addresses the "always false" warning
++     * from -Wtype-limits on platforms where
++     * sizeof(unsigned int) < sizeof(size_t), e.g. on x86_64. */
++    if ((unsigned)(len + EXPAND_SPARE) > (size_t)(-1) / sizeof(XML_Char)) {
++      return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
++    }
+     b->uri
+         = (XML_Char *)MALLOC(parser, sizeof(XML_Char) * (len + EXPAND_SPARE));
+     if (! b->uri) {
+@@ -6141,7 +6229,24 @@ defineAttribute(ELEMENT_TYPE *type, ATTRIBUTE_ID 
*attId, XML_Bool isCdata,
+       }
+     } else {
+       DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE *temp;
++      /* Detect and prevent integer overflow */
++      if (type->allocDefaultAtts > INT_MAX / 2) {
++        return 0;
++      }
+       int count = type->allocDefaultAtts * 2;
++      /* Detect and prevent integer overflow.
++       * The preprocessor guard addresses the "always false" warning
++       * from -Wtype-limits on platforms where
++       * sizeof(unsigned int) < sizeof(size_t), e.g. on x86_64. */
++      if ((unsigned)count > (size_t)(-1) / sizeof(DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE)) {
++        return 0;
++      }
+       temp = (DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE *)REALLOC(parser, type->defaultAtts,
+                                           (count * 
+       if (temp == NULL)
+@@ -6792,8 +6897,20 @@ lookup(XML_Parser parser, HASH_TABLE *table, KEY name, 
size_t createSize) {
+     /* check for overflow (table is half full) */
+     if (table->used >> (table->power - 1)) {
+       unsigned char newPower = table->power + 1;
++      /* Detect and prevent invalid shift */
++      if (newPower >= sizeof(unsigned long) * 8 /* bits per byte */) {
++        return NULL;
++      }
+       size_t newSize = (size_t)1 << newPower;
+       unsigned long newMask = (unsigned long)newSize - 1;
++      /* Detect and prevent integer overflow */
++      if (newSize > (size_t)(-1) / sizeof(NAMED *)) {
++        return NULL;
++      }
+       size_t tsize = newSize * sizeof(NAMED *);
+       NAMED **newV = (NAMED **)table->mem->malloc_fcn(tsize);
+       if (! newV)
+@@ -7143,6 +7260,20 @@ nextScaffoldPart(XML_Parser parser) {
+   if (dtd->scaffCount >= dtd->scaffSize) {
+     if (dtd->scaffold) {
++      /* Detect and prevent integer overflow */
++      if (dtd->scaffSize > UINT_MAX / 2u) {
++        return -1;
++      }
++      /* Detect and prevent integer overflow.
++       * The preprocessor guard addresses the "always false" warning
++       * from -Wtype-limits on platforms where
++       * sizeof(unsigned int) < sizeof(size_t), e.g. on x86_64. */
++      if (dtd->scaffSize > (size_t)(-1) / 2u / sizeof(CONTENT_SCAFFOLD)) {
++        return -1;
++      }
+           parser, dtd->scaffold, dtd->scaffSize * 2 * 
+       if (temp == NULL)
+@@ -7212,8 +7343,26 @@ build_model(XML_Parser parser) {
+   XML_Content *ret;
+   XML_Content *cpos;
+   XML_Char *str;
+-  int allocsize = (dtd->scaffCount * sizeof(XML_Content)
+-                   + (dtd->contentStringLen * sizeof(XML_Char)));
++  /* Detect and prevent integer overflow.
++   * The preprocessor guard addresses the "always false" warning
++   * from -Wtype-limits on platforms where
++   * sizeof(unsigned int) < sizeof(size_t), e.g. on x86_64. */
++  if (dtd->scaffCount > (size_t)(-1) / sizeof(XML_Content)) {
++    return NULL;
++  }
++  if (dtd->contentStringLen > (size_t)(-1) / sizeof(XML_Char)) {
++    return NULL;
++  }
++  if (dtd->scaffCount * sizeof(XML_Content)
++      > (size_t)(-1) - dtd->contentStringLen * sizeof(XML_Char)) {
++    return NULL;
++  }
++  const size_t allocsize = (dtd->scaffCount * sizeof(XML_Content)
++                            + (dtd->contentStringLen * sizeof(XML_Char)));
+   ret = (XML_Content *)MALLOC(parser, allocsize);
+   if (! ret)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/expat/expat_2.2.9.bb 
index 4b63ec89db..7740d95db5 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-core/expat/expat_2.2.9.bb
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/expat/expat_2.2.9.bb
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = 
 SRC_URI = "git://github.com/libexpat/libexpat.git;protocol=https;branch=master 
            file://CVE-2013-0340.patch \
+           file://CVE-2022-22822-27.patch \
            file://libtool-tag.patch \

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