On Wed, 24 Nov 2021 at 09:19, Konrad Weihmann <kweihm...@outlook.com> wrote:

> > +       # skip patches not in oe-core
> > +       if '/meta/' not in fullpath:
> > +           continue
> Can we have that configurable please?
> This is somehow a hardcoded assumption I don't really like.
> Maybe it's worth a shot to match it against BBFILE_PATTERN_core...

Sure, I can adjust this.

> > +       if not match_strict:
> > +           if match_kinda:
> > +               bb.error("Malformed Upstream-Status in patch\n%s\nPlease
> correct according to %s :\n%s" % (fullpath, guidelines,
> match_kinda.group(0)))
> > +           else:
> > +               bb.error("Missing Upstream-Status in patch\n%s\nPlease
> add according to %s ." % (fullpath, guidelines))
> Why is there such a fuzzy (kinda) pattern? - IMO the strict pattern
> should be enough, stating Malformed or missing - both cases are equally
> wrong, aren't they?

It's to give a more precise diagnostic. If the line is present but
malformed, it helps to say that and print it; if it's missing, there is
nothing to print.

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