On 05.11.21 15:09, Jasper Orschulko wrote:
Actually, I don't believe this to be an issue for the following

1. The recipe does nothing more than taking the wrapper script as is
and copying it to the sysroot. As the repo binary is never called when
building, it does not have the "chance" to look for an update during
the yocto offline build process. The outcome of an offline build is
therefore predictable.

2. When using repo within the yocto build itself (with the repo
fetcher), the repo binary is only ever called during the do_fetch step,
which obviously has no issues with any network access.


Okay fine that makes sense, even if it is still phoning home.
Another thing, could you please exchange "+REPO_REV = 'v2.17.3'" for a SHA revision, as I wouldn't bet my life on google not deleting/removing tags from their repos - and unpleasantly we wouldn't even notice that easily
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