On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 4:12 PM Martin Jansa <martin.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 1:50 AM Andreas Müller <schnitzelt...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 1, 2021 at 4:17 PM Martin Jansa <martin.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > FWIW: I've fixed some bigger layers where pkgconfig was causing quite a 
>> > few build failures,
>> >
>> Had an off-oe time due to  heavy work load.
>> Think this one is the reason for the pkgconfig patch flood. You are
>> aware that there are packages not failing at build time for missing
>> pkgconfig but build output is different and bugs will pop up at
>> runtime.
>> To avoid responsible maintainers have to go through EVERY recipe (and
>> combination of PACKAGECONFIGs) and check if builds are still as
>> expected - Can't believe it!
> Not sure why this seems targeted to me.
> Yes I've tried to fix whatever issues this change caused in my world builds 
> and I'm partially responsible for pkgconfig patch flood, because I wanted 
> layers like meta-ros/*, meta-qt5, meta-qt6, meta-webosose/* to stay 
> compatible with oe-core whenever this change from RP is merged to master.
I am not against the flood of pkconfig patches I am against this patch.
> I've also tried to compare buildhistory and image content (for 
> ros-image-world with ros1-melodic) to see if I can spot more cases of 
> non-fatal build output changes as in collada-dom and unfortunately there is a 
> lot of noise in buildhistory (due to many recipes included in this image not 
> really build-reproducible), so I've used mostly installed-package-sizes.txt 
> file to spot 2 more recipes where the size was different (but both don't seem 
> to be caused by pkgconfig-native in the end).
> I did both builds from scratch without sstate, so I would assume that it will 
> catch all possible cases, but surprisingly just yesterday I've caught another 
> missing pkgconfig-native in one of meta-ros1-melodic recipes (caught in 
> kirkstone based build - while before I was testing on top of a bit older 
> honister with this change cherry-picked just for test - to prepare recipes to 
> be future-proof for kirkstone).
This was huge effort - and it sounds there is still no 100% confidence
to get same you had before - right? Others have to do same.

And for what? A build acceleration of how much - this patch does not
mention numbers. Or is it: Only the perfect recipes are allowed to

To me oe-core has decided (again) to make changes without taking care:
Break dozens of layers and force maintainers to spend days to get what
they had before this change. From image perspective nothing has
changed. And the very best: Some layers were just made for fun and
since this is definitely no fun they are going to die.

After this I have to work on my motivation spending time on this
project - not an easy task.

My opinion

> Regards,
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