Allow using the alternative symlink machinery so the highest
kernel version takes precedence and the symlink stays in place.
Signed-off-by: Zoltán Böszörményi <>
meta/classes/kernel.bbclass | 21 +++++++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/meta/classes/kernel.bbclass b/meta/classes/kernel.bbclass
index deccc0e58c..a687e5259d 100644
--- a/meta/classes/kernel.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/kernel.bbclass
@@ -43,9 +43,17 @@ KERNEL_VERSION_PKG_NAME =
python __anonymous () {
+ import re
pn = d.getVar("PN")
kpn = d.getVar("KERNEL_PACKAGE_NAME")
+ # KERNEL_VERSION cannot be used here as it would cause
+ # "basehash value changed" issues.
+ kver = d.getVar("PV")
+ kverp = re.compile('[\.-]')
+ kvparts = kverp.split(kver)
+ kverstr = str(kvparts[0])+str(kvparts[1]).zfill(2)+str(kvparts[2]).zfill(3)
It would be really nice to avoid this logic, since in my years of
suffering, PV cannot be trusted on this front.
Why can't this use KERNEL_VERSION_PACKAGE_NAME ? It is already used in
this anonymous python code, and as the vardepexclude (which may just
be what you need to use KERNEL_VERSION directly).
# XXX Remove this after bug 11905 is resolved
# FILES:${KERNEL_PACKAGE_NAME}-dev doesn't expand correctly
if kpn == pn:
@@ -117,6 +125,9 @@ python __anonymous () {
d.setVar('PKG:%s-image-%s' % (kname,typelower),
'%s-image-%s-${KERNEL_VERSION_PKG_NAME}' % (kname, typelower))
d.setVar('ALLOW_EMPTY:%s-image-%s' % (kname, typelower), '1')
d.setVar('pkg_postinst:%s-image-%s' % (kname,typelower), """set +e
+ update-alternatives --install ${KERNEL_IMAGEDEST}/%s %s
I know it is just an inline postinst, but this is starting to get
unreadable quickly.
Shouldn't $D come into play here ? i.e. the existing postinst snippet
is taking it into account for doing the install, update alternatives
should also know if it is defined as well. Shouldn't this be in the
else block of the [ -n "$D" ] test ? if it shouldn't, can the entire
else block be indented to show that it is conditional on the variable
you are introducing.
Are there any situations where update-alternatives isn't available ?
kind of like how we test for ln -sf, and do a fallback if it fails. Is
there a similar case for update-alternatives ?
if [ -n "$D" ]; then
ln -sf %s-${KERNEL_VERSION} $D/${KERNEL_IMAGEDEST}/%s > /dev/null 2>&1
@@ -126,14 +137,19 @@ else
install -m 0644 ${KERNEL_IMAGEDEST}/%s-${KERNEL_VERSION}
set -e
-""" % (type, type, type, type, type, type, type))
+""" % (type, type, type, kverstr, type, type, type, type, type, type, type))
d.setVar('pkg_postrm:%s-image-%s' % (kname,typelower), """set +e
+ update-alternatives --remove %s %s-${KERNEL_VERSION_NAME}
if [ -f "${KERNEL_IMAGEDEST}/%s" -o -L "${KERNEL_IMAGEDEST}/%s" ]; then
rm -f ${KERNEL_IMAGEDEST}/%s > /dev/null 2>&1
set -e
-""" % (type, type, type))
+""" % (type, type, type, type, type))
image = d.getVar('INITRAMFS_IMAGE')
@@ -214,6 +230,7 @@ KERNEL_RELEASE ?= "${KERNEL_VERSION}"
# The directory where built kernel lies in the kernel tree
KERNEL_OUTPUT_DIR ?= "arch/${ARCH}/boot"
We should add documentation around the new variable as well, even if
the existing variables aren't fully documented .. we can start a trend
of being better.
# configuration
- Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer, for chaos and madness await
thee at its end
- "Use the force Harry" - Gandalf, Star Trek II