On Fri, 26 Mar 2021, Andre McCurdy wrote:

... snip ...

> PROVIDES sets up a name which can be used as DEPENDS (ie a build
> time dependency) in other recipes. If PROVIDES contains more than
> one name, they all just become aliases for each other.
> Since packagegroup recipes only define run time dependencies,
> nothing should have a build time dependency on a packagegroup
> recipe... and so there's no obvious reason to set PROVIDES to
> anything. Leaving the default will be fine (although it won't be
> used for anything).

  can someone verify that packagegroup recipe files indeed do not need
a PROVIDES line? if not, i can submit a patch to toss them from
meta-openembedded as well. it seems(?) fairly obvious that those lines
are superfluous, but i've been surprised before.

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