>> Recipes using populate_sdk.bbclass are failing with pseudo abort due to
>> path mismatch on these paths.
>> Signed-off-by: Tomasz Dziendzielski <tomasz.dziendziel...@gmail.com>
>> ---
>>  meta/conf/bitbake.conf | 2 +-
>>  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
>We build SDKs on the autobuilder and don't see this. Any idea what you
>need to do to trigger it?

I was able to reproduce abort on sstate-build-populate_sdk on the latest
master without any old build/ directory.
$ . ./oe-init-build-env
$ bitbake meta-go-toolchain
$ bitbake meta-go-toolchain -c populate_sdk -f

Please note that above commands might not fail every time, it seems to be a
bit random. It occurs not only on rebuilds but also on the first run. If we
build multiple SDKs at one bitbake execution the build is unlikely to
finish successfully, because each time different (or the same) SDKs will

In our environment I also had to add ${WORKDIR}/oe-sdk-repo,${SDK_OUTPUT}
to PSEUDO_IGNORE_PATHS to make SDKs work but I'm not sure if failures on
these two are not related to some of our custom mechanisms.

Best regards,
Tomasz Dziendzielski
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