>After this patch got merged I notice some "noise" in my builds.
>For bbappends which inherit unrelated classes I get a lot of warning like
>Issue: nativesdk-openssh: native/nativesdk class is not inherited last,
>this can result in unexpected behaviour. Classes inherited after
>native/nativesdk: my-custom-class.bbclass [native-last]
>First it doesn't give any hint that this is caused by the bbappend and
>secondly I have no idea how to fix that (if that is even possible).
>So I would like to have at least an option to ignore these warnings for
>classes I'm sure don't cause any conflict - something more granular then
>just to deactivate this pretty useful check.

I think it's a good idea to just ignore specific classes. The diff below
should be enough, with some additional note in the warning message. I'll
check if it works correctly later today.

diff --git a/meta/classes/insane.bbclass b/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
index 53230fc667..2f53a9be09 100644
--- a/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
@@ -1381,6 +1381,10 @@ python () {
                     # native also inherits nopackages and relocatable
                     skip_classes.extend(['nopackages', 'relocatable'])

+                extra_skip_classes =
(d.getVar('NATIVE_LAST_IGNORE_CLASSES') or '').split()
+                if extra_skip_classes:
+                    skip_classes.extend(extra_skip_classes)
                 broken_order = []
                 for class_item in reversed(inherited_classes):
                     if needle not in class_item:

Best regards,
Tomasz Dziendzielski
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