On 19.12.20 18:36, Richard Purdie wrote:
  PACKAGECONFIG[cryptodev-linux] = 
+PACKAGECONFIG[no-tls1] = "no-tls1"
+PACKAGECONFIG[no-tls1_1] = "no-tls1_1"
B = "${WORKDIR}/build"
  do_configure[cleandirs] = "${B}"
@@ -52,6 +54,10 @@ EXTRA_OECONF_class-nativesdk = 
  CFLAGS_append_class-native = " -DOPENSSLDIR=/not/builtin 
  CFLAGS_append_class-nativesdk = " -DOPENSSLDIR=/not/builtin 
+# Disable deprecated crypto algorithms
+# Retained for compatibilty - des (curl), dh (python-ssl), dsa (rpm)
+DEPRECATED_CRYPTO_FLAGS = " no-ssl no-idea no-psk no-rc2 no-rc4 no-rc5 no-md2 
no-md4 no-srp no-camellia no-bf no-mdc2 no-scrypt no-seed no-siphash no-sm2 no-sm3 no-sm4 
From my perspective this breaks backward compatibility, so I would rather have them all that as optional PACKAGECONFIG fields (which also does make it easier for ppl, still relying on one of those algorithms, for whatever reason, to re-enable them) - with the current approach all one could do is to override it with a bbappend - and tbh letting ppl have bbappends for this recipe, doesn't sound like the best idea in the long run to "enforce" any kind of "security" or "hardening"
  do_configure () {
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