While looking into upgrading rt-tests to the latest version, on IRC, John Kacur(the maintainer of rt-tests), recommended "that they use unstable/devel/latest as the maintained stable branch".

I updated the recipes in http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky-contrib/commit/?h=rewitt/rt-tests-upgrade&id=551b25918d06c903fff22d76d5683b548c4f2e6f. However, I know this won't work as is, due to the issues below.

The latest version of rt-tests requires the numa libraries for compilation via this patch https://marc.info/?l=linux-rt-users&m=158335896221530&w=2. rt-tests exists in oe-core, but numactl which provides libnuma/numa.h exists in meta-openembedded.

Another issue is that ARM is removed from COMPATIBLE_HOST in http://cgit.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded/tree/meta-oe/recipes-support/numactl/numactl_git.bb?h=master#n27. This may be for legacy reasons, but libnuma can be installed on most distributions running on an ARM host. Regardless, it would need to be changed to allow for rt-tests on ARM.

I'm therefore trying to determine how to proceed to upgrade rt-tests. These are the options I thought of, which are most likely not exhaustive.

1. Bring numactl into oe-core
2. move rt-tests out of oe-core
3. TMy to patch out the numa requirement and carry it forever(doesn't appear to be a small task)
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