On 9/9/20 6:21 PM, Jon Mason wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2020 at 6:59 PM Mark Hatle
> <mark.ha...@kernel.crashing.org> wrote:
>> I like the direction of this work, but one comment.. (down below)
>> On 9/9/20 5:45 PM, Jon Mason wrote:
>>> Migrate the settings in tune-cortexa55.inc to arch-armv8-2a.inc.  This
>>> will allow for a single file to include all of the tunings of a family
>>> of processors.  This will reduce the proliferation of unique files per
>>> processor currently occuring in conf/machine/include/
>>> Signed-off-by: Jon Mason <jon.ma...@arm.com>
>>> ---
>>>  .../machine/include/arm/arch-armv8-2a.inc     | 31 ++++++++++++++-----
>>>  meta/conf/machine/include/tune-cortexa55.inc  | 12 -------
>>>  2 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
>>>  delete mode 100644 meta/conf/machine/include/tune-cortexa55.inc
>>> diff --git a/meta/conf/machine/include/arm/arch-armv8-2a.inc 
>>> b/meta/conf/machine/include/arm/arch-armv8-2a.inc
>>> index b40ebf176e43..38564a17d98b 100644
>>> --- a/meta/conf/machine/include/arm/arch-armv8-2a.inc
>>> +++ b/meta/conf/machine/include/arm/arch-armv8-2a.inc
>>> @@ -1,4 +1,19 @@
>>> -DEFAULTTUNE ?= "armv8-2a"
>>> +#
>>> +# Tune Settings for Cortex-A55
>>> +#
>>> +TUNEVALID[cortexa55] = "Enable Cortex-A55 specific processor optimizations"
>>> +TUNE_CCARGS .= "${@bb.utils.contains('TUNE_FEATURES', 'cortexa55', ' 
>>> -mcpu=cortex-a55', '', d)}"
>>> +
>>> +# Little Endian base configs
>>> +AVAILTUNES                                         += "cortexa55"
>>> +ARMPKGARCH_tune-cortexa55                           = "cortexa55"
>>> +TUNE_FEATURES_tune-cortexa55                        = "aarch64 cortexa55 
>>> crypto"
>>> +PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-cortexa55                  = 
>>> "${PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-armv8-2a-crypto} cortexa55"
>>> +
>>> +#
>>> +# Defaults for ARMv8-a
>>> +#
>>> +DEFAULTTUNE                                        ?= "armv8-2a"
>>>  TUNEVALID[armv8-2a] = "Enable instructions for ARMv8-a"
>>>  TUNE_CCARGS .= "${@bb.utils.contains('TUNE_FEATURES', 'armv8-2a', ' 
>>> -march=armv8.2-a', '', d)}"
>>> @@ -8,10 +23,10 @@ MACHINEOVERRIDES =. 
>>> "${@bb.utils.contains('TUNE_FEATURES', 'armv8-2a', 'armv8-2a
>>>  require conf/machine/include/arm/arch-armv8a.inc
>>>  # Little Endian base configs
>>> -AVAILTUNES += "armv8-2a armv8-2a-crypto"
>>> -ARMPKGARCH_tune-armv8-2a                    ?= "armv8-2a"
>>> -ARMPKGARCH_tune-armv8-2a-crypto             ?= "armv8-2a"
>>> -TUNE_FEATURES_tune-armv8-2a                  = "aarch64 armv8-2a"
>>> -TUNE_FEATURES_tune-armv8-2a-crypto           = 
>>> "${TUNE_FEATURES_tune-armv8-2a} crypto"
>>> -PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-armv8-2a            = 
>>> "${PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-armv8a} armv8-2a"
>>> -PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-armv8-2a-crypto     = 
>>> "${PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-armv8-2a} armv8-2a-crypto"
>>> +AVAILTUNES                                         += "armv8-2a 
>>> armv8-2a-crypto"
>>> +ARMPKGARCH_tune-armv8-2a                           ?= "armv8-2a"
>>> +ARMPKGARCH_tune-armv8-2a-crypto                    ?= "armv8-2a"
>>> +TUNE_FEATURES_tune-armv8-2a                         = "aarch64 armv8-2a"
>>> +TUNE_FEATURES_tune-armv8-2a-crypto                  = 
>>> "${TUNE_FEATURES_tune-armv8-2a} crypto"
>>> +PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-armv8-2a                   = 
>>> "${PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-armv8a} armv8-2a"
>>> +PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-armv8-2a-crypto            = 
>>> "${PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-armv8-2a} armv8-2a-crypto"
>> It may make sense, instead of deleting it, to have just the 'require
>> conf/machine/include/arm/arch-armv8-2a.inc' file for transition.  (If a
>> transition period is NOT required or desired, then this isn't necessary!)
>> Tricky part is how to notify someone they're in the midst of the transition
>> period, and using the deprecated behavior.
>> (In past work, I've had a class that looked for a variable to exist, if it 
>> did
>> it printed the contents as warning messages to the console after parsing.  
>> I'd
>> love to see something like this as standard behavior for future cases like 
>> this.)
> Fantastic idea.  I hate the idea of breaking backward compat.  Any
> newly added tunes would not need this, so no extra files for my new
> 13.
> Question 1.  How can we do this warning?  Is there something I can
> steal from as a basis?


I would love to see this type of thing become standard for OE.

The way it works, an event is added after ParseStarted and BuildStarted.

Three special variables are consulted: CONFIG_BANNER, FATAL_CONFIG_BANNER and
BANNER.  The system will iterate over the 'flags', ignoring doc, vardeps and

Remember ParseStarted only runs if a parse is required!  So these items won't be
displayed after the initial parse.  BuildStarted runs each time.

(Note this class does a few other things which would not be necessary in the
general case.  Really it's just a way to collect configuration or other
information to display early, and allow config files to 'halt' the build when
the config is obviously broken in some way.)

But the idea is that any config file, layer, etc could add a CONFIG_BANNER[name]
or BANNER[name]

So you could do:

CONFIG_BANNER[tune-cortexa55] = "The machine is including the tune-cortexa55.inc
file, this file has been deprecated and should be replaced by arch-armv8-2a.inc"

> Question 2.  How long do we keep this compat around?

1 to 2 releases, I'd say no more then that.  (A LOT of people only upgrade every
other release -- thus the 2 releases might be a better guide.)


> Thanks,
> Jon
>>> diff --git a/meta/conf/machine/include/tune-cortexa55.inc 
>>> b/meta/conf/machine/include/tune-cortexa55.inc
>>> deleted file mode 100644
>>> index 099b6d72851a..000000000000
>>> --- a/meta/conf/machine/include/tune-cortexa55.inc
>>> +++ /dev/null
>>> @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
>>> -DEFAULTTUNE ?= "cortexa55"
>>> -
>>> -TUNEVALID[cortexa55] = "Enable Cortex-A55 specific processor optimizations"
>>> -TUNE_CCARGS .= "${@bb.utils.contains('TUNE_FEATURES', 'cortexa55', ' 
>>> -mcpu=cortex-a55', '', d)}"
>>> -
>>> -require conf/machine/include/arm/arch-armv8-2a.inc
>>> -
>>> -# Little Endian base configs
>>> -AVAILTUNES += "cortexa55"
>>> -ARMPKGARCH_tune-cortexa55             = "cortexa55"
>>> -TUNE_FEATURES_tune-cortexa55          = "aarch64 cortexa55 crypto"
>>> -PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-cortexa55    = 
>>> "${PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-armv8-2a-crypto} cortexa55"
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