On 9/9/20 5:56 AM, Goran Broeckaert wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a simple application which depends on grpc. I'm using Yocto Zeus
> for my project and I've written the following recipe:
> DESCRIPTION = "Test Application"
> SRC_URI = "\
> git://git/dev/test-application.git;protocol=ssh;branch=yocto;name=testapp \
> "
> inherit cmake qmake5_paths
> DEPENDS = "\
> qtbase \
> qtbase-native \
> grpc \
> grpc-native \
> "
> PV = "1.0+git${SRVPV}"
> SRCREV_testapp = "c1dd51dd6c812a99f6af3e5b1c367a3155e5e96f"
> S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
> -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${WORKDIR}/recipe-sysroot/usr/ \
> "
> The linker tries to link with the -native version of gRPC instead of the
> target one. Can be seen in the following line from the output:
> recipe-sysroot-native/usr/lib/libgrpc++.so.1.24.1: error adding symbols:
> file in wrong format
> When checking the recipe-sysroot, the grpc libraries are properly
> installed. There has been an issue opened on the grpc github, but it got
> closed without specifying a
> solution: https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/17708

Can you take a look at
and see if some of those options are useful either compiling gRPC or
your app ?

also check this patch

especially how it looks for libcares, might give some ideas how to solve
this issue perhaps.

> Thanks for the help,
> Kind regards,
> Goran Broeckaert
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