On 20/07/2020 08:41, Richard Purdie via lists.openembedded.org wrote:
On Fri, 2020-07-17 at 15:19 +0100, Usama Arif wrote:
This patch adds support for adding default config node even
when dtb is not part of the FIT image. The conf options are
therefore changed to point to kernel ID rather than dtb
ID when dtb does not exist.

Signed-off-by: Usama Arif <usama.a...@arm.com>
  meta/classes/kernel-fitimage.bbclass | 14 ++++++++++++--
  1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

I keep asking someone to start providing tests for kernel-fitimage but
nobody does. Its near impossible to tell whether this is a good change
or one that could cause someone else problems as we have little
documented behaviour and no tests.

Could someone please start looking at adding some (and documentation)?


Richard >


Thanks for the reply.

There are different components that can be added to a FIT image. This include kernel, ramdisk, dtb, etc. However, it is not necessary for any individual component to be part of the FIT image. In reality, you can have 0-N (0 to N) kernels and/or 0-N ramdisks and/or 0-N dtbs.

However, kernel-fitimage.bbclass currently only supports limited usescases: adding 1 (no more or less) kernel with 1-N dtbs and 0-1 ramdisks.

Before support was added for multiple dtbs, the configuration of FIT image without any dtbs was supported.

This patchset adds back the original support to kernel-fitimage.bbclass for building a FIT image when no dtbs are present. i.e. adds support for 1 kernel with 0-N dtbs. It doesnot affect the existing usecases, but adds back support for a usecase (0 dtb) that originally existed and was removed as a mistake.

I have submitted a v2 of this patch which better documents the code I have submitted so that hopefully its not blocked on the testing and documentation of the entire kernel-fitimage. It also always creates a configuration for FIT image.

I guess i have spent some time debugging kernel-fitimage so am happy to help with the documentation. I guess you would like a high level description of kernel-fitimage at the top of this file as a seperate patch?

I havent worked with the test framework for oe-core so not sure how helpful i could be on that. I tried to look for example test cases that would test any of the existing meta/classes/kernel*.bbclass but couldnt find any.

Hopefully the extra documentation in v2 and the explanation would be useful in understanding and progressing this patch.


diff --git a/meta/classes/kernel-fitimage.bbclass
index 72b05ff8d1..6f4530fc3b 100644
--- a/meta/classes/kernel-fitimage.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/kernel-fitimage.bbclass
@@ -257,6 +257,7 @@ fitimage_emit_section_config() {
        # Test if we have any DTBs at all
+       conf_node="conf@"
@@ -287,12 +288,18 @@ fitimage_emit_section_config() {
if [ "${6}" = "1" ]; then
-               default_line="default = \"conf@${3}\";"
+               if [ -n "${3}" ]; then
+                       default_line="default = \"conf@${3}\";"
+                       conf_node=$conf_node${3}
+               else
+                       default_line="default = \"conf@${2}\";"
+                       conf_node=$conf_node${2}
+               fi
cat << EOF >> ${1}
-                conf@${3} {
+                $conf_node {
                        description = "${6} ${conf_desc}";
@@ -445,6 +452,9 @@ fitimage_assemble() {
                        i=`expr ${i} + 1`
+       else
+               defaultconfigcount=1
+               fitimage_emit_section_config ${1} "${kernelcount}" ""
"${ramdiskcount}" "${setupcount}" "${defaultconfigcount}"
fitimage_emit_section_maint ${1} sectend

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