On Wed, 2020-07-08 at 10:19 +0200, Matthias Schoepfer wrote:
> thanks, that does help maybe a little. Personally, I find the license
> / compliance topic one of the most annoying things in embedded
> development *by far*. I also wonder, why nobody else has stumbled
> across this, since I guess it is quite common to rule out GPLv3,
> because most project  managers I have seen are very worried about
> this. Nobody (at least not our lawyers can) can say, how you can
> safely use GPLv3ed software. 
> Starts out with standard template library. It really is only
> headers. headers. 
> Are they subject to the linking exception? My favorite solution would
> be to open source everything. But my company does not like this very
> much...
> Anyhow: There are 4 recipes affected. These are somewhat special, 
> because GPLv3 is only applicable on certain packages that are not 
> commonly installed on the target.
> If I got you right, we should set:
> LICENSE_${PN}-lic = "FSF-license-text"
> If that is correct, I will happily prepare a patch set...

I've been looking at the license.bbclass code for other reasons and it
has a few issues. I suspect not many people are actually enabling the
separate license packages, I don't think its enabled anywhere in our
automated testing either.

I think we'll have to have some code which translates "XXX" into "XXX-
license-text" for the license of ${PN}-lic.

Something like:

def convert_to_license_texts(d):
    licenses = d.getVar("LICENSE")
    ret = []
    for x in licenses.split():
        if "|" in x or "&" in x:
            ret.append(x + "-license-text")
    return ret.join(" ")

LICENSE_${PN}-lic = "${@convert_to_license_texts(d)}"

(admittedly completely untested)

Ideally we'd have some mapping to convert the GPL/LGPL entries to FSF-
license-text and simplify out any |/& expressions but for now the above
is probably good enough.



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