On 3/20/20 10:26 PM, Tom Hochstein wrote:
The FILES variable was customized to package wayland-scanner
in the -dev package. However, this is only correct for the
target package and causes wayland-scanner to be missing from
the SDK.
Fix the nativesdk packaging by properly limiting the
wayland-scanner -dev packaging to the target.
Perhaps it should be packaged into a separate package like
wayland-tools or somesuch. It does not belong to -dev package
Then perhaps nativesdk-packagegroup-sdk-host.bb should be adjusted to
include nativesdk-wayland-tools as well.
Signed-off-by: Tom Hochstein <tom.hochst...@nxp.com>
meta/recipes-graphics/wayland/wayland_1.18.0.bb | 6 ++++--
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-graphics/wayland/wayland_1.18.0.bb
index 00be3aac27..4d110a6e1f 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-graphics/wayland/wayland_1.18.0.bb
+++ b/meta/recipes-graphics/wayland/wayland_1.18.0.bb
@@ -54,8 +54,10 @@ sysroot_stage_all_append_class-target () {
cp ${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}/aclocal/wayland-scanner.m4
-FILES_${PN} = "${libdir}/*${SOLIBS}"
-FILES_${PN}-dev += "${bindir} ${datadir}/wayland"
+# Place wayland-scanner in the -dev package for the target.
+# Leave it in the main package for native so it is included
+# in the SDK.
+FILES_${PN}-dev_append_class-target = " ${bindir} ${datadir}/wayland"
BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
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