On Sat, 2020-03-21 at 08:26 -0400, rpj...@crashcourse.ca wrote:
>   not sure what the policy is but, occasionally, i run across a
> recipe
> that doesn't identify the location of the source code (just in case i
> want to peruse it). case in point:  kexec-tools on master branch:
> http://cgit.openembedded.org/openembedded-core/tree/meta/recipes-kernel/kexec/kexec-tools_2.0.20.bb

Surely the recipe doesn't work if you can't access the source code? The
source code is clearly in the tarball.

> combining HOMEPAGE and SRC_URI, you get little more than the
> directory
> to download versioned tarballs, but nothing about the location of the
> source code itself, if it's available.
>   is there a protocol for identifying the (accessible) location of
> the source code, or is that simply up to the maintainer to provide it
> if he or she wants?

Do you actually mean the upstream source control system supporting the
source code?

There is no requirement to have that. I agree its useful at times and
its up to the maintainer. Some source code doesn't have it publicly

I'm actually a big supporter of devupstream being enabled in recipes
which would add more of this information to recipes. We don't have
enough maintainers to sustain regular testing of that though.



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