On Sat, 2020-02-29 at 07:46 +0100, Petr Vorel wrote:
> At least we know, that once we solve this problem, we can remove
> 0002-kernel-controllers-Link-with-libfts-explicitly-on-mu.patch
> Please, how to reproduce this build locally? Is it:
> . oe-init-build-env
> TCLIBC=musl bitbake ltp

Yes, that should be enough.

> Or do I need to put something into config files conf/local.conf
> or conf/bblayers.conf ?
> I need to double check if musl-fts is really built and whether the
> order of
> -lfts is correct. But all this has been solved even for static build
> for Buildroot,
> so I guess it's some issue related to openembedded. Unfortunately,
> I'm not much
> experienced in openembedded (stepped in, because nobody else has
> updated LTP
> package yet).
> Khem, any idea, what can be wrong?

FWIW I'll run a build here and see if I can spot anything but I'm
trying to do other things today!



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