Planned upcoming dot releases:

  *   YP 2.7.3 built and in QA

I didn't see any notification for this build. Am I missing something?


<> On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, 19 February, 2020 12:10 AM
Subject: [OE-core] Yocto Project Status WW07'20

Current Dev Position: YP 3.1 M3

Next Deadline: YP 3.1 M3 build date 2/24/2020

Next Team Meetings:

  *   Bug Triage meeting Thursday Feb. 20th  at 7:30am PDT 
  *   Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday Mar. 3rd  at 8am PDT 
  *   Weekly Engineering Sync Tuesday Feb. 18th at 8am PDT 
  *   Twitch - Next event is Tuesday Mar. 10th at 8am PDT 

Key Status/Updates:

  *   The project recently updated its git hosting infrastructure and there 
were some issues encountered with the cgit http/https repository sharing. Those 
issues should now be resolved, apologies if they caused issues for anyone. The 
git:// protocol sharing was unaffected.
  *   YP 3.0.2 rc2 is in QA with the report due soon.
  *   We continue to see a small number of reproducibility issues with master 
which need resolving for green builds (in particular gstreamer and perl).
  *   A significant memory usage issue was identified during bitbake parsing 
where memory usage would grow in each parser thread linearly per number of 
recipes parsed. This would therefore particularly affect large numbers of 
layers, multilibs and multiconfig. The fix has merged into bitbake along with 
the corresponding zeus and warrior branches. For one test case it reduced peak 
memory usage during parsing for 5 multiconfigs from 20GB to 2GB.
  *   Warrior patches for 2.7.3 are out for review.
  *   With the git infrastructure issue updated, we now have centos8 workers 
added to the autobuilder.
  *   We are making various queued changes to the autobuilder configuration to 
fix bugs, improve efficiency and test coverage but this may result in some test 
result instability as we test and resolve issues.
  *   We're collecting a list of companies, products and projects which use the 
Yocto Project on the wiki: 
Please add any you know are missing (or email Richard/Stephen who can add).
  *   The triage team is worried about attendance at triage meetings and the 
project is finding it hard to find people to help fix bugs. If anyone is 
willing to work on bugs, assistance would be greatly appreciated.

YP 3.1 Milestone Dates:

  *   YP 3.1 M3 build date 2/24/2020
  *   YP 3.1 M3 release date 3/6/2020
  *   YP 3.1 M4 build date  3/30/2020
  *   YP 3.1 M4 release date  4/24/2020

Planned upcoming dot releases:

  *   YP 2.7.3 built and in QA
  *   YP 2.7.3 release date 2/21/2020
  *   YP 3.0.2 build date  2/3/2020
  *   YP 3.0.2 release date 2/14/2020

Tracking Metrics:

  *   WDD 2710 (last week 2728) 
  *   Poky Patch Metrics

     *   Total patches found: 1360 (last week 1361)
     *   Patches in the Pending State: 546 (40%) [last week 547 (40%)]

The Yocto Project's technical governance is through its Technical Steering 
Committee, more information is available at:

The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at:

[If anyone has suggestions for other information you'd like to see on this 
weekly status update, let us know!]


Stephen K. Jolley
Yocto Project Program Manager
*    Cell:                (208) 244-4460
* Email:    <>

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