> > On the contrary. For almost all practical use cases you care about what
> > user/group owns a file, not what UID/GID they happen to be. E.g., in the
> > recipe (or Makefile or whatever) you typically want to specify that a
> > file shall be owned by user foo, not UID 1234. Then, either you do not
> > care about the actual UIDs used, or if you do, you use statically assigned
> > UIDs/GIDs for all users/groups. This is typically necessary if you want
> > to be able to support upgrading your product, and it is very well
> > supported by the useradd-staticids.bbclass.
> Interesting, thanks for the background. Out of curiosity, what is the 
> difference between using useradd-staticids.bbclass vs. using
> normal useradd.bbclass but hardcoding the GIDs/UIDs anyway? I ask because 
> meta-skeleton/recipes-skeleton/useradd/useradd-
> example.bb does the latter.

Actually never mind, sorry. I see how it works in 

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