On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 3:30 AM Alexander Kanavin
<alex.kana...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Nov 2019 at 08:58, Tim Orling <ticot...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have the beginnings of scripts to generate a meta-python2 layer. Someone 
>> with a vested interest in keeping python2 supported will need to step up to 
>> maintain it. After bitbake and Oe-core moved to python3, my use of python2 
>> has gone to near zero.
>> I intend to move all python2 recipes from meta-python to the new layer. 
>> meta-python will become python3 only in 3.1 release timeframe. The bb files 
>> and inc files will also be merged, simplifying AUH and devtool usage.
>> Attempts to send python2 patches to meta-python after that shift will be 
>> nacked.
> Thanks! There is however a missing part: how close is meta-oe to being 
> py2-free? Oe-core is very close (u-boot is the last holdout as noted), but I 
> am not sure that we can simply take out py2, and not have half of meta-oe 
> fail. For instance (random example) mozjs, a fairly important component, 
> still pulls it in, together with a few 3rd party libraries: 
> https://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded/tree/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs_60.5.2.bb
> It's tempting to force the transition by breaking things, but it also 
> antagonizes users.

Its for how python2 should be organised after it retires and
suggestion is to move it to an independent layer rather than
meta-openembedded repo,
wether, layers under meta-openembedded will depend on it is a separate issue

> Alex
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