On 2019-11-18 17:53, Ross Burton wrote:
> On 18/11/2019 16:47, akuster808 wrote:
>> Does a possible Poky LTS have any factor in deciding to add more
>> packages to core?
> Even without the LTS there's a (relatively) long-term commitment to
> maintain recipes.
> Personally, I'm happy with Zstd being in meta-oe for now, and possibly
> re-evaluating in the next cycle.

Not having it in oe-core would mean we would have to exclude it from
build testing [1].

>From what I can tell, that would be a first: Every other compression
conversion is part of oe-core.

It had quite some adoption lately, e.g. Fedora 31 uses zstd by default
to compress their rpm packages [2].

IMHO, this are good arguments for adding it to oe-core now.


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