Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
 meta/lib/oeqa/manual/oe-core.json | 42 ---------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/lib/oeqa/manual/oe-core.json 
index 6191d4f..fb47c5e 100644
--- a/meta/lib/oeqa/manual/oe-core.json
+++ b/meta/lib/oeqa/manual/oe-core.json
@@ -1,48 +1,6 @@
     "test": {
-      "@alias": "oe-core.scripts.Crosstap_script_check",
-      "author": [
-        {
-          "email": "",
-          "name": ""
-        }
-      ],
-      "execution": {
-        "1": {
-          "action": "Create the trace_open.stp script as follows in the host 
machine:  \n\n\nprobe     \n\n{  \n\n\n        printf (\"%s(%d) 
open (%s)\\n\", execname(), pid(), argstr)  \n\n}  \n\n\n\nif the above failed, 
then create the below instead.  \n\nprobe \n{ \n  printf (\"%s(%d) 
open\\n\", execname(), pid()) \n\n}  \n \n",
-          "expected_results": ""
-        },
-        "2": {
-          "action": "Add 'tools-profile' and 'ssh-server-openssh' to 
EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES in local.conf \n\n\n",
-          "expected_results": ""
-        },
-        "3": {
-          "action": "Build a core-image-minimal image, build systemtap-native. 
Start the image under qemu. \n\n",
-          "expected_results": ""
-        },
-        "4": {
-          "action": "Make sure that the ssh service is started on the Qemu 
machine. \n\n",
-          "expected_results": ""
-        },
-        "5": {
-          "action": "From the host machine poky build_dir, run \"crosstap 
root@ trace_open.stp\".",
-          "expected_results": ""
-        },
-        "6": {
-          "action": "In QEMU, try to open some applications, such as open a 
terminal, input some command,  \n\n",
-          "expected_results": ""
-        },
-        "7": {
-          "action": "Check the host machine, \"crosstap\" has related output. 
\n\n\n\nNOTE:  Do not build the kernel from shared state(sstate-cache) for this 
to work.",
-          "expected_results": "The script should successfully connect to the 
qemu machine and there \nshould be presented a list of services(pid, process 
name) which run on \nthe qemu machine. "
-        }
-      },
-      "summary": "Crosstap_script_check"
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "test": {
       "@alias": "oe-core.bitbake.Test_bitbake_menuconfig",
       "author": [

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