On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 1:34 PM, Matthew McClintock <m...@freescale.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 1:32 PM, Flanagan, Elizabeth
> <elizabeth.flana...@intel.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 10:44 AM, McClintock Matthew-B29882
>> <b29...@freescale.com> wrote:
>>> Can anyone comment if this issue has been resolved on master? It's
>>> very random which package it occurs on, it only seems to happen when
>>> building the LSB target, and it also appears to happen on my CentOS 5
>>> box and not my Ubuntu box (at least less often)... sometimes it
>>> happens only on one package in a build, sometimes it's 5-10
>>> packages...
>> I haven't run across this. Is this from a clean sstate-cache? I'm assuming
>> this is from an older release (as bind is now at 9.8.1).
> This is on our last release (edison, 1.1) from a full sstate-cache
> rebuild. It's an sstate-cache issue...

I'll add that it's edison with a handful of fixes pulled from master.
Looking more like our 1.1.1 release.


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