On (01/12/11 16:59), Ulf Samuelsson wrote:
> 2011-12-01 15:12, Cliff Brake skrev:
> >On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 7:48 AM, Richard Purdie
> ><richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org>  wrote:
> >
> >>When you restart the build is the problem persistent or does it work the
> >>second time?
> >I set BB_NUMBER_THREADS  = "2" (was 4 when failing)
> >
> >I tried to restart the build and cleanall just the failing package,
> >and it still failed.  I then ran:
> >
> >bitbake -c cleanall gcc-cross gcc-cross-initial gcc-cross-intermediate
> >gcc-runtime
> >
> >and after that, everything worked.
> >
> >>Does someone have a complete console log for a build that failed with
> >>this they could share?
> >I'll restart the build and collect one.  So you just want the output
> >of the console for bitbake?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Cliff
> >
> Here is my buildlog, creating the failure.
> The C++ compiler cannot find "string", even though it is in
> "<sysroot>/usr/include/c++"

This probably might have something to do with-gxx-include settings
I will see if I can reproduce it here

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