Hi Alex

->You probably need to use the post-relocate-setup.d/ facility, like the 
nativesdk-meson recipe does. I am not sure if ->PACKAGE_ARCHS is accessible 
from it, but it does seem like the right mechanism for tweaking settings that 
are ->specific to nativesdk packages.

1.       About ${PACKAGE_ARCHS}
Well, for nativesdk packages ${PACKAGE_ARCHS} is accessible from 
nativesdk.bbclass, and it equals
Which will not be changed for different ARCH.

While target packages ${PACKAGE_ARCHS} is accessible from base.bbclass, and the 
value is suitable for different ARCH.

2. About post-relocate-setup.d

And  usually, tweaking settings are specific to nativesdk packages. But Even if 
I use the post-relocate-setup.d/ facility, as the value of ${MACHINE_ARCH} is 
not provided in SDK, so it will not work for target packages.

To skip it, I have to write arch info in config file explicitly for different 
target ARCH as only meta-environment has a similar implementation.

3. Actually, my first plan  is to write ${MACHINE_ARCH} in toolchain, but it 
was rejected
+++ b/meta/classes/toolchain-scripts.bbclass
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ toolchain_shared_env_script () {
        echo 'export CPPFLAGS="${TARGET_CPPFLAGS}"' >> $script
        echo 'export KCFLAGS="--sysroot=$SDKTARGETSYSROOT"' >> $script
        echo 'export OECORE_DISTRO_VERSION="${DISTRO_VERSION}"' >> $script
+       echo 'export MACHINE_ARCH=${MACHINE_ARCH}' >> $script
        echo 'export OECORE_SDK_VERSION="${SDK_VERSION}"' >> $script

I guess if it can work, maybe post-relocate-setup.d/ facility will be usefull.

Zheng Ruoqin
Nanjing Fujitsu Nanda Software Tech. Co., Ltd.(FNST)
ADDR.: No.6 Wenzhu Road, Software Avenue,
       Nanjing, 210012, China
MAIL : zhengrq.f...@cn.fujistu.com

From: Alexander Kanavin [mailto:alex.kana...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 6:53 PM
To: Zheng, Ruoqin/郑 若钦 <zhengrq.f...@cn.fujitsu.com>
Cc: OE-core <openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org>
Subject: Re: [OE-core] [PATCH] rpm: make rpm work in toolchain.

On Tue, 10 Sep 2019 at 10:07, Zheng, Ruoqin 
<zhengrq.f...@cn.fujitsu.com<mailto:zhengrq.f...@cn.fujitsu.com>> wrote:
In last patch, I put the config file in meta-environment as its do_install task 
is in the target environment which means the value of ${PACKAGE_ARCHS} is right.
And it finally produce a nativesdk package.

If I put the config file in nativesdk-rpm, the value of ${PACKAGE_ARCHS} will 
always be “all any noarch x86_64-nativesdk” which is not suitable for x86, arm 
and other ARCHS.

So I’d like to put config file in the rpm of meta-environment. Did you have any 
good Suggestions?

You probably need to use the post-relocate-setup.d/ facility, like the 
nativesdk-meson recipe does. I am not sure if PACKAGE_ARCHS is accessible from 
it, but it does seem like the right mechanism for tweaking settings that are 
specific to nativesdk packages.


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