On Tue, 6 Aug 2019 at 16:16, Richard Purdie <
richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:

> I partly agree with this. There is:
> insane.bbclass:do_package_qa[rdeptask] = "do_packagedata"
> which does help the situation by forcing package_qa after all the
> runtime dependencies.
> I suspect the real problem is that it can also see RDEPENDS for things
> it doesn't rdepend upon...
> You might want package_prepare_pkgdata() from package_pkgdata called
> for package_qa's context on a separate directory, then to use that as
> the pkgdata to resolve against?
> Note that package_prepare_pkgdata() called for do_package is different
> than package_prepare_pkgdata() called for do_package_qa as the tasks
> have different dependencies...

I am actually inclined to remove the recursive resolver in insane.bbclass.
It gives a QA pass to a situation when there is a bash script in A, and the
bash runtime dependency is satisfied indirectly through a chain of
arbitrary length: A -> bash-completion -> bash. It becomes hard to reason
where the dependencies come from; I think any runtime dependencies should
be explicitly listed. We may need to fix up a few recipes, but the outcome
is a better definition of runtime dependencies.

I have confirmed that for stress-ng removing the recursive resolver and
adding an explicit RDEPENDS on bash solves the issue (stress-ng package_qa
does not start until bash packaging completes, unlike previously).

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