On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 3:29 AM, Steffen Sledz <sl...@dresearch-fe.de> wrote:
> On 25.11.2011 12:21, Koen Kooi wrote:
>> Op 25 nov. 2011, om 12:05 heeft Steffen Sledz het volgende geschreven:
>>> The LIVE555 project has a really uncommon source deployment policy. :(
>>> They publish *only* the latest tarball of their code [1]. And they don't 
>>> make the code available under a source code repository [2].
>>> I've asked to change this policy but they are not willing to do that [3].
>>> How can we handle this?
>>> Does OE provides a "mirror" server to provide the versions we're 
>>> referencing?
>> Angstrom has had such a mirror ever since it started and it has the 
>> following live555 releases:
> Great.
> So there's no need to change the recipes. This server is used automatically. 
> Right?

for angstrom yes the mirror is a fallback

>> live.2009.06.02.tar.gz
>> live.2010.04.09.tar.gz
>> live.2010.05.29.tar.gz
>> live.2010.10.15.tar.gz
>> live.2011.01.10.tar.gz
>> live.2011.03.14.tar.gz
> I'd like to see the current live.2011.11.20.tar.gz there too. Who's 
> maintaining such requests?

as another backup you can also put this up on
sources.openemebedded.org, send it to ka6sox

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