> Despite my changes there are things that still need to be done.
> Essential things which need to happen before this code merges:
> * oe-git-archive is importing using the commit/branch of the current 
>   repo, not the data in the results file.
> * Fix the -t option to merge command

Got rid of this for now, we can add it later if we need it, can become
a "nice to have" for later.

> * Audit the command option help

Done on my branch.

> * Revisit and redo the way the git branch handling is happening. We 
>   really want to model how oe-build-perf-report handles git repos
> for 
>   comparisons:
>   - Its able to query data from git repos without changing the
> current 
>     working branch, 
>   - it can search on tag formats to find comparison data
> * Add ptest summary to the report command

Done on my branch.



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