On 18/11/11 11:49, Khem Raj wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Scott Garman <scott.a.gar...@intel.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm testing building core-image-minimal in a resource-constrained
>> environment (a VirtualBox VM with 2300 MB of RAM allocated to it). With
>> PARALLEL_MAKE set to -j4 (the VM does have two CPUs allocated), I'm finding
>> that the build of qemu-native fails because the OOM killer steps in and
>> kills gcc. This is happening during the linking phase of building qemu.

What's BB_NUMBER_THREADS set to? I had to reduce to 1 to build
qemu-native on a laptop with 2GB RAM. iirc it had a habit of linking
something equally large such as eglibc, qt or the kernel at the same time.

> what distro are you running on guest ? it could be something wrong
> with the distro gcc or system

I've seen this on F14 (Gnome 2.x) and F15 (Gnome 3) with a laptop with
only 2GB RAM.

>> If this is true, I assume it would pretty much mean that no one can build
>> our images without more than 2 GB of RAM. Is this true? Is this something
>> for us to be concerned about?
> I have not seen such an error on a system which has 2G RAM all builds
> qemu-native fine here

I think BB_NUMBER_THREADS is the key here. And whether you're running
much in the way of a desktop environment.

Joshua Lock
        Yocto Project "Johannes factotum"
        Intel Open Source Technology Centre

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