On 24/01/2019 08:31, Robert Yang wrote:
Hi Richard.L,

On 1/24/19 3:09 PM, Richard Leitner wrote:
I'm currently facing issues on how to include a fitImage with devicetrees and a INITRAMFS_IMAGE in my rootfs image.

My config is something like:

KERNEL_CLASSES  = "kernel-fitimage"
KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "a.dtb b.dtb c.dtb"
INITRAMFS_IMAGE = "initramfs-mine"

To include the "normal" fitImage without the initramfs in the rootfs the following works:

IMAGE_INSTALL_append += " kernel-image"

When digging around a little bit I found that the fitImage-initramfs-mine is
deployed to tmp/deploy/images but there's no package including that file.

fitImage-initramfs-mine is an image, so it is not in any package, it is
handled by kernel.bbclass, you can check it for more info.

Ok. I saw how it's generated in the kernel-fitimage.bbclass and kernel.bbclass... But is there any "clean" way of adding it to my rootfs image like the fitImage?

// Robert

Therefore I'm unable to include it via IMAGE_INSTALL.

Am I missing something?
Is anybody of you aware of a solution?
Does kernel-fitimage and kernel.bbclass offer this at all?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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