Hi Bruce,

On Sun, 2018-12-16 at 22:38 -0500, Bruce Ashfield wrote:
> Here is the latest linux-yocto consolidated pull request. Some of
> these commits are re-sends of changes that didn't make the release,
> and others are new.
> Most are routine -stable bumps, configuration cleanups, etc, and
> shouldn't cause any issues.
> The more interesting part of this queue is the introduction of 4.19
> reference kernels to replace 4.14 as the LTS version in master. I've
> built and booted it on qemu*, so it is sane from that point of view.
> I'm trying to separate out the kernel bumps into distict pull
> requests so I can deal with one set of issues at a time:
>  - I'm not removing 4.18 yet, since it will be replaced by 4.20+ as
> the "latest" kernel in the next release. Plus our h/w reference BSPs
> need to be updated before I can drop it.
>  - I'm not bumping libc-headers in this pull, I'll do that in my next
> queue, and we'll jump to 4.20 for the libc-headers at that time.
> There will be one more bump to match the 'latest' reference kernel
> for the release.
> I will also follow up to the appropriate list with a bump to the
> poky-lsb distro
> builds that are using 4.14 as their default kernel version.
> I'm not convinced this is issue free (i.e. did I miss some reference
> to a 4.14 kernel ??),

The bbappend in meta-yocto-bsp? ;-)

(I deleted it)

>  but some people have been asking about 4.19 support, so I wanted to
> get this queue out, and start dealing with any issues it brings.

MACHINE=qemumips64 seems to fail on 4.18:




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