MACHINE = "beaglebone-yocto"
KERNEL_CLASSES += "kernel-fitimage"
KERNEL_IMAGETYPE_beaglebone-yocto = "fitImage"
UBOOT_MACHINE_beaglebone-yocto = "am335x_boneblack_vboot_config"
UBOOT_MKIMAGE_DTCOPTS = "-I dts -O dtb -p 2000"
IMAGE_INSTALL_remove = "kernel-image-zimage"

$ cd conf
$ openssl genrsa -F4 -out dev.key 2048
$ openssl req -batch -new -x509 -key dev.key -out dev.crt
$ cd ../
$ bitbake u-boot linux-yocto
$ grep signature tmp/deploy/images/beaglebone-yocto/*.dtb
Binary file 
Binary file tmp/deploy/images/beaglebone-yocto/u-boot-beaglebone-yocto.dtb 
Binary file tmp/deploy/images/beaglebone-yocto/u-boot.dtb matches

And there would be no signature info when rebuild from sstate:
$ bitbake u-boot linux-yocto -cclean
$ bitbake u-boot linux-yocto
$ grep signature tmp/deploy/images/beaglebone-yocto/*.dtb
No result

This s because kernel directly edit ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/u-boot.dtb, (Note, it
is global ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}, not recipe's DEPLOYDIR), so that the modified
info is not in sstate, and would be lost when rebuild from sstate.

There are other problems in previouse code:
- The u-boot.dtb is provided by u-boot, but edited by kernel during signing, so
  it should be deployed by kernel rather than u-boot.

- The u-boot.do_concat_dtb directly install files to global ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE},
  this is incorrect, the ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE} should be installed by do_deploy.

- It seems that it assumes do_deploy depends on do_install according the 
  but they have no relationships:
  # do_concat_dtb is scheduled _before_ do_install as it overwrite the
  # u-boot.bin in both DEPLOYDIR and DEPLOY_IMAGE_DIR.

- The do_concat_dtb should be run after do_compile, but it doesn't have this

Make u-boot install u-boot.dtb to ${datadir}, kernel copies u-boot.dtb from
${STAGING_DATADIR} to ${B} and deploy it can fix the problem.

[YOCTO #12112]

Reported-by: Christian Andersen <>
Signed-off-by: Robert Yang <>
 meta/classes/kernel-fitimage.bbclass | 17 ++++++-
 meta/classes/uboot-sign.bbclass      | 95 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 meta/recipes-bsp/u-boot/   |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/classes/kernel-fitimage.bbclass 
index 328bef4..5f6380f 100644
--- a/meta/classes/kernel-fitimage.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/kernel-fitimage.bbclass
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ python __anonymous () {
         # the fitImage:
         if d.getVar('UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLE') == "1":
             uboot_pn = d.getVar('PREFERRED_PROVIDER_u-boot') or 'u-boot'
-            d.appendVarFlag('do_assemble_fitimage', 'depends', ' %s:do_deploy' 
% uboot_pn)
+            d.appendVarFlag('do_assemble_fitimage', 'depends', ' 
%s:do_populate_sysroot' % uboot_pn)
 # Options for the device tree compiler passed to mkimage '-D' feature:
@@ -456,10 +456,17 @@ fitimage_assemble() {
        # Step 7: Sign the image and add public key to U-Boot dtb
        if [ "x${UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLE}" = "x1" ] ; then
+               add_key_to_u_boot=""
+               if [ -n "${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY}" ]; then
+                       # The u-boot.dtb is a symlink to UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE, so we 
need copy
+                       # both of them, and don't dereference the symlink.
+                       cp -P ${STAGING_DATADIR}/u-boot*.dtb ${B}
+                       add_key_to_u_boot="-K ${B}/${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY}"
+               fi
                uboot-mkimage \
                        ${@'-D "${UBOOT_MKIMAGE_DTCOPTS}"' if 
len('${UBOOT_MKIMAGE_DTCOPTS}') else ''} \
                        -F -k "${UBOOT_SIGN_KEYDIR}" \
-                       ${@'-K "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY}"' if 
len('${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY}') else ''} \
+                       $add_key_to_u_boot \
                        -r arch/${ARCH}/boot/${2}
@@ -505,5 +512,11 @@ kernel_do_deploy_append() {
                        install -m 0644 
                        ln -snf 
+               if [ "${UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLE}" = "1" -a -n "${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY}" ] 
; then
+                       # UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE is a realfile, but we can't use
+                       # ${UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE} since it contains ${PV} which is 
+                       # for u-boot, but we are in kernel env now.
+                       install -m 0644 ${B}/u-boot-${MACHINE}*.dtb 
+               fi
diff --git a/meta/classes/uboot-sign.bbclass b/meta/classes/uboot-sign.bbclass
index afaf46f..03100b8 100644
--- a/meta/classes/uboot-sign.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/uboot-sign.bbclass
@@ -19,11 +19,15 @@
 # The tasks sequence is set as below, using DEPLOY_IMAGE_DIR as common place to
 # treat the device tree blob:
-#   u-boot:do_deploy_dtb
-#   u-boot:do_deploy
-#   virtual/kernel:do_assemble_fitimage
-#   u-boot:do_concat_dtb
-#   u-boot:do_install
+# * u-boot:do_install_append
+#   Install UBOOT_DTB_BINARY to datadir, so that kernel can use it for
+#   signing, and kernel will deploy UBOOT_DTB_BINARY after signs it.
+# * virtual/kernel:do_assemble_fitimage
+#   Sign the image
+# * u-boot:do_deploy[postfuncs]
+#   Deploy files like UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE, UBOOT_DTB_SYMLINK and others.
 # For more details on signature process, please refer to U-Boot documentation.
@@ -38,58 +42,65 @@ UBOOT_NODTB_IMAGE ?= 
-# Following is relevant only for u-boot recipes:
+# Functions in this bbclass is for u-boot only
+UBOOT_PN = "${@d.getVar('PREFERRED_PROVIDER_u-boot') or 'u-boot'}"
-do_deploy_dtb () {
-       mkdir -p ${DEPLOYDIR}
-       cd ${DEPLOYDIR}
+concat_dtb() {
+       if [ "${UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLE}" = "1" -a "${PN}" = "${UBOOT_PN}" ]; then
+               mkdir -p ${DEPLOYDIR}
+               if [ -e ${B}/${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY} ]; then
+                       ln -sf ${UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE} 
+                       ln -sf ${UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE} 
+               fi
-       if [ -f ${B}/${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY} ]; then
-               install ${B}/${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY} ${DEPLOYDIR}/${UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE}
-               rm -f ${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY} ${UBOOT_DTB_SYMLINK}
-               ln -sf ${UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE} ${UBOOT_DTB_SYMLINK}
-               ln -sf ${UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE} ${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY}
-       fi
-       if [ -f ${B}/${UBOOT_NODTB_BINARY} ]; then
-               install ${B}/${UBOOT_NODTB_BINARY} 
-               rm -f ${UBOOT_NODTB_BINARY} ${UBOOT_NODTB_SYMLINK}
-               ln -sf ${UBOOT_NODTB_IMAGE} ${UBOOT_NODTB_SYMLINK}
-               ln -sf ${UBOOT_NODTB_IMAGE} ${UBOOT_NODTB_BINARY}
-       fi
+               if [ -f ${B}/${UBOOT_NODTB_BINARY} ]; then
+            install ${B}/${UBOOT_NODTB_BINARY} 
+            ln -sf ${UBOOT_NODTB_IMAGE} ${UBOOT_NODTB_BINARY}
+               fi
-do_concat_dtb () {
-       # Concatenate U-Boot w/o DTB & DTB with public key
-       # (cf. kernel-fitimage.bbclass for more details)
-       if [ "x${UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLE}" = "x1" ]; then
+               # Concatenate U-Boot w/o DTB & DTB with public key
+               # (cf. kernel-fitimage.bbclass for more details)
                if [ "x${UBOOT_SUFFIX}" = "ximg" -o "x${UBOOT_SUFFIX}" = "xrom" 
] && \
-                       [ -e "${DEPLOYDIR}/${UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE}" ]; then
+                       [ -e "$deployed_uboot_dtb_binary" ]; then
                        cd ${B}
-                       oe_runmake EXT_DTB=${DEPLOYDIR}/${UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE}
+                       oe_runmake EXT_DTB=$deployed_uboot_dtb_binary
                        install ${B}/${UBOOT_BINARY} ${DEPLOYDIR}/${UBOOT_IMAGE}
-                       install ${B}/${UBOOT_BINARY} 
-               elif [ -e "${DEPLOYDIR}/${UBOOT_NODTB_IMAGE}" -a -e 
+               elif [ -e "${DEPLOYDIR}/${UBOOT_NODTB_IMAGE}" -a -e 
"$deployed_uboot_dtb_binary" ]; then
                        cd ${DEPLOYDIR}
-                       cat ${UBOOT_NODTB_IMAGE} ${UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE} | tee 
+                       cat ${UBOOT_NODTB_IMAGE} $deployed_uboot_dtb_binary | 
                        bbwarn "Failure while adding public key to u-boot 
binary. Verified boot won't be available."
+# Install UBOOT_DTB_BINARY to datadir, so that kernel can use it for
+# signing, and kernel will deploy UBOOT_DTB_BINARY after signs it.
+do_install_append() {
+       if [ "${UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLE}" = "1" -a "${PN}" = "${UBOOT_PN}" ]; then
+               if [ -f ${B}/${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY} ]; then
+                       install -d ${D}${datadir}
+                       # UBOOT_DTB_BINARY is a symlink to UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE, so 
+                       # need both of them.
+                       install ${B}/${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY} 
+                       ln -sf ${UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE} 
+               else
+                       bbwarn "${B}/${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY} not found"
+               fi
+       fi
 python () {
-    uboot_pn = d.getVar('PREFERRED_PROVIDER_u-boot') or 'u-boot'
-    if d.getVar('UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLE') == '1' and d.getVar('PN') == uboot_pn:
+    if d.getVar('UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLE') == '1' and d.getVar('PN') == 
         kernel_pn = d.getVar('PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel')
-        # u-boot.dtb and u-boot-nodtb.bin are deployed _before_ do_deploy
-        # Thus, do_deploy_setscene will also populate them in DEPLOY_IMAGE_DIR
-'do_deploy_dtb', 'do_deploy', 'do_compile', d)
+        # Make "bitbake u-boot -cdeploy" deploys the signed u-boot.dtb
+        d.appendVarFlag('do_deploy', 'depends', ' %s:do_deploy' % kernel_pn)
-        # do_concat_dtb is scheduled _before_ do_install as it overwrite the
-        # u-boot.bin in both DEPLOYDIR and DEPLOY_IMAGE_DIR.
-'do_concat_dtb', 'do_install', None, d)
-        d.appendVarFlag('do_concat_dtb', 'depends', ' %s:do_assemble_fitimage' 
% kernel_pn)
+        # kernerl's do_deploy is a litle special, so we can't use
+        # do_deploy_append, otherwise it would override
+        # kernel_do_deploy.
+        d.appendVarFlag('do_deploy', 'prefuncs', ' concat_dtb')
diff --git a/meta/recipes-bsp/u-boot/ 
index 48fbc57..bbdbc25 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-bsp/u-boot/
+++ b/meta/recipes-bsp/u-boot/
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ do_install () {
-FILES_${PN} = "/boot ${sysconfdir}"
+FILES_${PN} = "/boot ${sysconfdir} ${datadir}"
 do_deploy () {
     if [ -n "${UBOOT_CONFIG}" ]

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