In “4.14.2. OpenSSL Changes”, change “both versions their dependency chains” to 
“both versions in their dependency chains”.
In “4.14.4. Security Changes”, change “files” to “flags” (twice).


<> On Behalf Of Scott Rifenbark
Sent: den 30 oktober 2018 23:07
To: Paul Eggleton <>
Cc: Yocto discussion list <>; openembedded-core 
Subject: Re: [OE-core] 2.6 migration guide


Thanks for sending.


I have an initial section at,
 which is based on Richard's input.  I am sure there are more items.


On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 2:14 PM Paul Eggleton 
<<>> wrote:
Hi folks

When Scott prepares the migration guide for a release, he usually looks to me
to collate the notable changes for it (those requiring user intervention). I
haven't prepared anything yet though and the 2.6 release is fast approaching.
Can anyone who has been involved in or is aware of such changes in master for
upcoming 2.6 (thud) make a note of it on the wiki in raw form on this page:

Scott and I will take care of cleaning it up, so things added there don't need
to be perfect.

I will also be doing my usual trawl through the commits in the release for the
more general changelog, so most things will get picked up that way, but it's
really helpful if people with first-hand knowledge of the implications of some
of these changes are involved in how they get documented.


Paul Eggleton
Intel Open Source Technology Centre

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