Hello Huges,

I cannot reply inline because you sent the patch as an attachment, please send it using git send-email next time.

Also, something doesnt add up here:

+    "pyvenv": {
+        "summary": "Allow you to create virtual environments so we can isolate our 
project dependencies. Deprecated in Python 3.6",
+        "rdepends": [
+            "core",
+            "venv"

This doesnt make sense, since you are saying that the python3-pyvenv package 
depends on python3-venv?, shouldnt they be the same package?
+        ],
+        "files": [
+            "${bindir}/pyvenv*"

Again, this should probably on one single package.

 +        ],
+        "cached": []
+    },
     "resource": {
         "summary": "Python resource control interface",
         "rdepends": [
@@ -1107,6 +1118,21 @@

This is wrong because, cached files shouldnt be on rdepends.

Everything from there to the bottom is probably ok.

+    "venv": {
+        "summary": "Provides support for creating lightweight virtual environments 
with their own site directories, optionally isolated from system site directories",
+        "rdepends": [
+            "compression",
+            "core",
+            "logging",
+            "shell",
+            "stringold",
+            "unixadmin"
+        ],
+        "files": [
+            "${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/venv"
+        ],
+        "cached": []
+    },
     "xml": {
         "summary": "Python basic XML support",
         "rdepends": [

Also, this patch is missing the changes to the python3 recipe file where the python3-pyvenv package was being previously created, if were now doing it through the manifest, then we dont need it in the recipe.



On 10/22/2018 11:48 AM, Hugues Kamba wrote:

Dear All,

As it currently is, python3-pyvenv is broken because it is missing the venv module run-time dependency.

The patch I am submitting is to add the venv module dependency to python3-pyvenv.

The dependency has been added using the newly added venv package (python3-venv).

The python3-venv package has been added for future proofing since pyvenv has been deprecated in Python 3.6 and creation of virtual environment is done using the venv module directly (i.e python3 -m venv my_venv).


Hugues Kamba

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