If you try to build a system with multiple BSPs, one of which is qemux86
or qemux86-64, the overall system configuration will change and all of the
graphics packages will end up being rebuilt each time.

For a package based system, the PR values will also be incremented each
time.  The end result will be an ever growing set of PR values as well as
being unable to tell which configured version of the graphics components
are really being deployed.

The solution was to always include the virgl gallium driver when an x86
based target is used.  This may end up wasting some space, but solves the
hash issue.

Signed-off-by: Mark Hatle <mark.ha...@windriver.com>
 meta/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa.inc | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa.inc 
index 0dfdfbd5b4..0cc0a82de4 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa.inc
+++ b/meta/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa.inc
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ GALLIUMDRIVERS_LLVM33_ENABLED = 
 GALLIUMDRIVERS_LLVM = "r300,svga,nouveau${@',${GALLIUMDRIVERS_LLVM33}' if 
 GALLIUMDRIVERS_append_x86 = "${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 
'gallium-llvm', ',${GALLIUMDRIVERS_LLVM}', '', d)}"
 GALLIUMDRIVERS_append_x86-64 = "${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 
'gallium-llvm', ',${GALLIUMDRIVERS_LLVM}', '', d)}"
-GALLIUMDRIVERS_append_qemux86 = ",virgl"
-GALLIUMDRIVERS_append_qemux86-64 = ",virgl"
+GALLIUMDRIVERS_append_x86 = ",virgl"
+GALLIUMDRIVERS_append_x86-64 = ",virgl"
 # keep --with-gallium-drivers separate, because when only one of gallium 
versions is enabled, other 2 were adding --without-gallium-drivers
 PACKAGECONFIG[gallium]      = "--enable-texture-float 
--with-gallium-drivers=${GALLIUMDRIVERS}, --without-gallium-drivers"

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