Tidy whitespace, delete commented-out lines

Signed-off-by: Douglas Royds <douglas.ro...@taitradio.com>
 meta/classes/reproducible_build.bbclass | 41 +++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/classes/reproducible_build.bbclass 
index 268b5fb8f1..4e8850fb83 100644
--- a/meta/classes/reproducible_build.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/reproducible_build.bbclass
@@ -1,33 +1,32 @@
 # reproducible_build.bbclass
-# This bbclass is mainly responsible to determine SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH on a per 
recipe base.
-# We need to set a recipe specific SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in each recipe 
environment for various tasks.
-# One way would be to modify all recipes one-by-one to specify 
SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH explicitly, 
-# but that is not realistic as there are hundreds (probably thousands) of 
recipes in various meta-layers.
-# Therefore we do it this class. 
-# After sources are unpacked but before they are patched, we try to determine 
the value for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH.
+# Sets SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in each component's build environment.
+# Upstream components (generally) respect this environment variable,
+# using it in place of the "current" date and time.
+# See https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/source-date-epoch/
+# After sources are unpacked but before they are patched, we set a 
reproducible value for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH.
+# This value should be reproducible for anyone who builds the same revision 
from the same sources.
-# There are 4 ways to determine SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH:
+# There are 4 ways we determine SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH:
-# 1. Use value from __source_date_epoch.txt file if this file exists. 
+# 1. Use the value from __source_date_epoch.txt file if this file exists.
 #    This file was most likely created in the previous build by one of the 
following methods 2,3,4.
-#    In principle, it could actually provided by a recipe via SRC_URI
+#    Alternatively, it can be provided by a recipe via SRC_URI.
-# If the file does not exist, first try to determine the value for 
+# If the file does not exist:
-# 2. If we detected a folder .git, use .git last commit date timestamp, as git 
does not allow checking out
-#    files and preserving their timestamps.
+# 2. If there is a git checkout, use the last git commit timestamp.
+#    Git does not preserve file timestamps on checkout.
 # 3. Use the mtime of "known" files such as NEWS, CHANGLELOG, ...
-#    This will work fine for any well kept repository distributed via tarballs.
+#    This works for well-kept repositories distributed via tarball.
-# 4. If the above steps fail, we need to check all package source files and 
use the youngest file of the source tree.
+# 4. If the above steps fail, use the modification time of the youngest file 
in the source tree.
-# Once the value of SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is determined, it is stored in the 
recipe ${WORKDIR}/source_date_epoch folder
-# in a text file "__source_date_epoch.txt'. If this file is found by other 
recipe task, the value is exported in
-# the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH variable in the task environment. This is done in an 
anonymous python function, 
-# so SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is guaranteed to exist for all tasks the may use it 
(do_configure, do_compile, do_package, ...)
+# Once the value of SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is determined, it is stored in the 
recipe's ${SDE_FILE}.
+# If this file is found by other tasks, the value is exported in the 
+# SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is set for all tasks that might use it (do_configure, 
do_compile, do_package, ...)
 inherit ${@oe.utils.ifelse(d.getVar('BUILD_REPRODUCIBLE_BINARIES') == '1', 
'reproducible_build_simple', '')}
@@ -67,7 +66,6 @@ def find_git_folder(path):
     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=True):
         dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d not in exclude]
         if '.git' in dirs:
-            #bb.warn("found root:%s" % (str(root)))
             return root
 def get_source_date_epoch_git(d, path):
@@ -79,10 +77,8 @@ def get_source_date_epoch_git(d, path):
             if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(gitpath,".git")):
                     source_date_epoch = 
int(subprocess.check_output(['git','log','-1','--pretty=%ct'], cwd=path))
-                    #bb.warn("JB *** gitpath:%s sde: %d" % 
                     bb.debug(1, "git repo path:%s sde: %d" % 
                 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as grepexc:
-                    #bb.warn( "Expected git repository not found, (path: %s) 
error:%d" % (gitpath, grepexc.returncode))
                     bb.debug(1, "Expected git repository not found, (path: %s) 
error:%d" % (gitpath, grepexc.returncode))
             bb.warn("Failed to find a git repository for path:%s" % (path))
@@ -99,7 +95,6 @@ python do_create_source_date_epoch_stamp() {
         bb.debug(1, " path: %s reusing __source_date_epoch.txt" % epochfile)
-    # Try to detect/find a git repository
     source_date_epoch = get_source_date_epoch_git(d, path)
     if source_date_epoch == 0:
         source_date_epoch = get_source_date_epoch_known_files(d, path)

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