Hey Jens,
On 09/10/2018 11:58 PM, Jens Rehsack wrote:
Am 10.09.2018 um 23:33 schrieb Alejandro Enedino Hernandez Samaniego
Hey Jens,
As I explained before, when you create a manifest for python
(target), it uses the native build as base (it literally runs the
native python that was just built), it is assumed its the same
version as target and contains all the modules provided by upstream,
otherwise the missing modules cannot be checked for dependencies, and
the manifest becomes incoherent, so its not an option to have an
incomplete python native build.
In that case, uuid for target never gets deployed, but it is. And I
didn't see any packaging issues for `python3` nor for `nativesdk-python3`
I don't see what that has to do with anything, fixing the native build
should not affect what gets deployed on target, thats exactly why we
have a manifest, so they user can decide what to install and what not to
I know you didn't see any packaging issues, but that doesn't mean they
don't exist, just from the log I showed you, I can tell you that the
python3-crypt package is not created correctly, for example, if you do:
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " python3-crypt"
Boot the image, run python3 and you try to import sha3, it will fail,
because the sha3*.so library won't be on the filesystem.
And thats because the sha3.*.so library was just introduced in this
upgrade, and our manifest isn't aware it exists, hence it'll end up on
python3-misc and you have just created an unnecessary dependency from
python3-crypt to python3-misc (and worse, a dependency which were not
even aware of, until we test it manually), which beats the whole purpose
of the manifest.
The do_package function is not gonna fail just because, so you won't see
errors, but the files will be packaged incorrectly, causing runtime
errors as a consequence, the create_manifest task tries to solve these
runtime issues before they happen.
Yes you probably need a patch to look at the correct directories for
the h files, as well as a dependency to make the h files available on
Please check the submission.
I did, its not checking inside recipe-sysroot-native.
On 09/10/2018 02:05 PM, Jens Rehsack wrote:
Hey Alejandro,
I fixed that for cross-compile only, since I would need add a patch
and a dependency python3-native for one thing: calculate uuids.
When you can explain to me why the python-native needs that, I'll
change that from -target & nativesdk to all.
From my point of view it's not a question of having every (unneeded)
python module being built for the native python, which is used for
cross-compiling python and some modules only.
Am 10.09.2018 um 22:17 schrieb Alejandro Enedino Hernandez
Samaniego <alejandro.enedino.hernandez-samani...@xilinx.com
Hey Jens,
The compilation log for python3-native still shows that it didn't
build the uuid module
Python build finished successfully!
The necessary bits to build these optional modules were not found:
Please look at my previous reply to find how this can be solved
(its likely a missing DEPENDS).
Also, this patch is missing the new python3 manifest for this
release, there appears to be a few new modules that we need to
decide which package they belong to, this is the output of bitbake
python3 -c create_manifest:
| The following files are repeated (contained in more than one
| this is likely to happen when new files are introduced after an
| please check which package should get it,
| modify the manifest accordingly and re-run the create_manifest task:
| ${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/lib-dynload/_blake2.*.so
| ${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/lib-dynload/_sha3.*.so
| ${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/lib-dynload/_contextvars.*.so
| ${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/contextvars.py
| ${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/__pycache__/contextvars.*.pyc
| ${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/lib-dynload/_queue.*.so
On 09/10/2018 09:38 AM, Burton, Ross wrote:
One thing to be aware of is that I've been fixing up Python's PGO
support and there's a slew of patches in master-next and more just
posted that this needs to be rebased on top of. Good news is that my
patches remove two of the patches we've been carrying!
On 10 September 2018 at 17:36, Jens Rehsack <s...@netbsd.org
<mailto:s...@netbsd.org>> wrote:
Am 10.09.2018 um 11:35 schrieb Alexander Kanavin
<alex.kana...@gmail.com <mailto:alex.kana...@gmail.com>>:
Large parts of dnf and friends have been rewritten in c++. I have not
yet updated and reviewed that, that will happen in the next cycle.
If I can prepare something for you - drop me a note.
Otherwise - the perl-5.28 update ("." in @INC, regex buffer
overflow, ...)
is also
awaiting some progress (I can keep "myself" busy).
There's already enough disruption to deal with (postinsts errors,
openssl 1.1, both caused by me :)
You know, corner, ash, ... things happen. But there is progress!
Good that we got all the way to do_rootfs though with 3.7.
Yeah, but than came postinst (coreutils :P) :D
2018-09-10 0:38 GMT+02:00 Tim Orling <ticot...@gmail.com
I did not review the patches closely, but I did try to build
core-image-full-cmdline with the tip of poky and these patches
Everything was fine until do_rootfs... I've attached the log.
Essentially, there are some bits of dnf and so on which are not
ready for
Python 3.7. We have dnf version 2.7.5, but the latest upstream
release is
3.4.0 (with a 3.5.0 just 3 days ago). Not sure yet if that would have
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